"Overpopulation" Let er rip!

Ok, let me address the elephant in the room, here... There are PLENTY of hunters who would love to hunt these elk-myself included. If the ranchers allowed access to some hunters every year, there would be no elk over-population problems in the very near future. These "overpopulated" areas already have plenty (sometimes hundreds) of tags that don't get applied for in the draw (Units 6, 7, 9, 33-36, ect...), and the only reason that these tags don't sell, is that there is not enough public land to hunt in these areas. If the ranchers want to have some elk removed, or pressured off of their properties, they only need to allow their properties to be listed as Walk-In-Areas, or Hunter Management Areas. End of the problem. Shoot man, they can even choose the exact number of hunters allowed on their property, set any rules that they choose (HMA Program), and the state of WY does the work and takes care of all the details for them! There is no elk problem here- these are just ranchers that want Property Owner tags to sell. End of Rant, thank you for your time.
The sad reality is many public land hunters are borderline slobs that need to be babysat. Many others are too lazy to walk 100 yards to shoot a cow. I don’t completely blame landowners for not wanting average Joe stranger wandering around on their place. Some way to vet responsible and considerate hunters and hold them accountable for damage they may do would be a good first step.
I like the capturing and using them as transplants to other states idea. Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota. Pretty much all the mid western states. Frankly, even the eastern states in the mountain regions. I think that would be a hell of a good idea.
Ok, let me address the elephant in the room, here... There are PLENTY of hunters who would love to hunt these elk-myself included. If the ranchers allowed access to some hunters every year, there would be no elk over-population problems in the very near future. These "overpopulated" areas already have plenty (sometimes hundreds) of tags that don't get applied for in the draw (Units 6, 7, 9, 33-36, ect...), and the only reason that these tags don't sell, is that there is not enough public land to hunt in these areas. If the ranchers want to have some elk removed, or pressured off of their properties, they only need to allow their properties to be listed as Walk-In-Areas, or Hunter Management Areas. End of the problem. Shoot man, they can even choose the exact number of hunters allowed on their property, set any rules that they choose (HMA Program), and the state of WY does the work and takes care of all the details for them! There is no elk problem here- these are just ranchers that want Property Owner tags to sell. End of Rant, thank you for your time.
Actually, that's not entirely true. One of the conditions of the depredation hunts has to be that the Commissioner of the region, the Chief Game Warden or their appointee and the landowner all have to work together. One of the conditions in Chapter 28 is that the landowners must have allowed access during the season.

Section 4. Permitted Hunting During Authorized Hunting Seasons. (a) A claimant shall not be eligible to receive an award for damage caused by big game animals, trophy game animals, or game birds unless hunting for the species for which damage compensation is claimed has been permitted during authorized hunting seasons on the land for which the verified claim has been filed. For an award to be allowed, the claimant shall permit hunting during authorized hunting seasons if the species of big game animals, trophy game animals, or game birds for which the verified claim was filed were present on the claimant’s privately owned or leased land and adjoining Federal or State land during authorized hunting seasons delineated in subsection (iii) (A). If the species of big game animals, trophy game animals, or game birds for which the verified claim has been filed were not present on the claimant’s privately owned or leased land and adjoining Federal or State land during the authorized hunting seasons as delineated in subsection (iii) (A), for an award to be allowed the claimant shall permit hunting during authorized hunting seasons delineated in (iii) (B) and (iii) (C) if requested by the Department. The claimant shall permit hunting during authorized hunting seasons delineated in (iii) (B) and (iii) (C) without access fees to hunters or the Department. (i) For a claimant to be eligible to receive an award for damage compensation on leased private land, the landowner of the leased private land shall not, in any manner, restrict hunting access for the species for which damage compensation is claimed on the land for which the verified claim has been filed, or any adjoining Federal or State land. (ii) The claimant shall not, in any manner, restrict hunting access to their privately owned land, leased private land or any adjoining Federal or State land within the hunt area for which the damage occurred in accordance with this section. (iii) Authorized hunting seasons include: (A) Hunting seasons as established by Wyoming Game and Fish Commission rule and regulation; (B) Depredation prevention hunting seasons as approved by a District Wyoming Game and Fish Commissioner and the Chief Game Warden; or, (C) Lethal taking of wildlife through a kill permit as approved by a District Wyoming Game and Fish Commissioner and the Chief Game Warden.

Chapter 28:

There used to be an HMA outside of Cheyenne that offered access. Talk about jumping through hoops. IIRC, was a stupid early briefing for very short access periods, think the access coordinator even called individuals on the list to say we had an opening to hunt. Very regulated, at least the day I went. Picked starting points so as not to be on top of one another, but were instructed to contact the access coordinator/warden if we got on the elk to get multiple killed at a time. We convoyed out there and all split up. Hiked a few miles and never saw anything though I heard some groups did get on them that day.

I think I heard access was closed when outfitters were offering more money to landowners than the state did, plus the landowner coupons issued with every license.
Actually, that's not entirely true. One of the conditions of the depredation hunts has to be that the Commissioner of the region, the Chief Game Warden or their appointee and the landowner all have to work together. One of the conditions in Chapter 28 is that the landowners must have allowed access during the season.
I hear you Buzz, but for my 8-6 elk tag, the rifle season runs from August 15th-January 31st. Wouldn't a similar season in these other units fix the problem? I don't think we need guys out there shooting cows and calves in May, just to control the elk numbers.
I hear you Buzz, but for my 8-6 elk tag, the rifle season runs from August 15th-January 31st. Wouldn't a similar season in these other units fix the problem? I don't think we need guys out there shooting cows and calves in May, just to control the elk numbers.
I think if the commissioner, Chief Warden, and landowners are looking to kill elk in May there will likely be some public scrutiny.

I also don't believe this will be used extensively. I talked with my commissioner today about this, he's aware of my concerns. I can't say for sure, but during our conversation and knowing him, I don't think he'd be approving killing cows and calves in May.
Fair enough. It is really neat that you get to speak to the commissioner in person. Personally, I still hope that these ranchers just let the hunters get some meat and take care of their problem at the same time.
I say we corral them and transplant them in Minnesota. There’s lots of towns and lakes named “elk” something, give them a legit reason to be named that. I bet Buzz, a good horse and a few cattle pots could have them moved in a day or so.

(Plus it’ll keep the derelicts from Minnesota from driving across my state to get to Wy.) 🤣

Worst part of the whole trip for us derelicts 😁
I like the capturing and using them as transplants to other states idea. Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota. Pretty much all the mid western states. Frankly, even the eastern states in the mountain regions. I think that would be a hell of a good idea.
We could use more in TN I like that thought
i have a unit 19 type 6 cow tag,,would be happy to take a problem cow off of private this october in there area, if a rancher could p m me id be happy to help them,,just no trespass fee.

Ranchers crying their eyes out about all of the elk damage.

Hunter - "Can I hunt these problem elk for you?"

Rancher- "Yes that would be great and that will be $2000 CASH"

Ranchers crying their eyes out about all of the elk damage.

Hunter - "Can I hunt these problem elk for you?"

Rancher- "Yes that would be great and that will be $2000 CASH"

That’s just it. If you allow anyone to hunt your problem elk and are still getting major damage, I sympathize. If you whine then charge hunters or tell them no, I have no sympathy.

I know of several farmers south of me along the river that take major damage from deer. They wouldn’t allow hunting then they’d get depradation permits to shoot them and leave them lay. Nebraska game and parks finally cracked down on that and mostly forces them to allow hunting before getting depredation tags.
whether its in wyoming or oregon ,or any other state,,it always seems that the ranchers are crying about damage from elk,yet wont let the "average blue collar hunter" on to take care of there problem..Its all about money from trespass fees,,even for cows or does.i think most everybody givin permission to hunt private land would be careful and close the gates,ect,,,but there are some out there that wreck it for all of us..
Folks are interchangeably using chapter 28 and the new chapter 34 regulation in this discussion. Similar, but very different regs. 34 is what guides these damage hunts, 28 is damage payments. Both regs are being reviewed at the next commission meeting. Comment period is closed but here is a link with all the info for both.

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