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Outside the US, best place to DIY hunt?


Active member
Dec 15, 2020
curious what opportunities of a lifetime are out there that can be done successfully, legally, etc. without a guide
Canada was always great as a waterfowler, haven’t been in about 7 years so not sure it’s still what it was.
I was ask to respond to this thread but you need to check as my knowledge is "dated". However; from memory we hunted Germany, Scotland, Argentina, New Zealand and Eastern Canada without a guide.

It looks like all the responders, including myself, is assuming your asking about other Countries, and not States in the U.S. There are opportunities to hunt various species in some states within the U.S. without a guide.

Also, "opportunities of a lifetime" is a pretty large and open ended question. If you could narrow that down a bit--Grizzly, 60 "" Moose, Goat, Sheep, Cape Buffalo, Doves, etc --the gentlemen here would be in a better position to "guide" you to where ( or if ) you can do that without a guide.

Speaking only for myself, there are more advantages to having a good guide than just the opportunity of getting on a good animal. For me, it was like a vacation, not to have to cook, clean, etc. ;)

Best of luck
It depends on the species and the Province or Territory in Canada. Some species require an outfitter and a first nation individual, others do not.

It is expensive for Canadians to hunt in a Province where they dont reside in some situations.
As others have said New Zealand is a good option. Might have to wait a year or two due to covid restrictions. Getting a rifle in can be a pain. But other than that is really is very easy to hunt here - no tags or seasons. I always recommend Tahr and chamois as they are plentiful and most kiwis stick to deer.
NZ is on my short list. As soon as restrictions lift and my wife is outta school.
On my last trip to NZ in 2019 right after the mosque shooting, I had no problems bringing my A5 shotgun and bolt action rifle.
However, they made a big deal about my 1 box of 300 win mag ammo. They said nothing about my 12 ga ammo.
They passed me on 4 times to different authorities wondering what to do about it. Finally the 4th person let me go.
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My wife and I are seriously thinking about a move to Western Canada, along with Quality of life considerations and economics I have an ulterior motive of the fantastic DIY bowhunting opportunities.
If you're into waterfowl you can hunt all around Canada as it federally regulated. I think in Saskatchewan you can Whitetail hunt without a guide
If you're into waterfowl you can hunt all around Canada as it federally regulated. I think in Saskatchewan you can Whitetail hunt without a guide

Not as a non-resident, Sasky separates non-residents in two groups; Canadian non-res and non-res. Only Canadian non-residents can hunt without a guide and it's on a draw system. The only hunting a non-resdient can do on their own is waterfowl.
I know were planning on moving to BC. I want to move to Dawson Creek and my girlfriend wants to live in Kelowna. I though a compromise would be Prince George
I know were planning on moving to BC. I want to move to Dawson Creek and my girlfriend wants to live in Kelowna. I though a compromise would be Prince George
would the weather be less precipitous back that far from the coast at Kelowna?
Yup, the valley is one of the driest places in Canada. A lot of wineries in that area.

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