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Our Baby Girl

Woo Hoo....

Finally popped the little critter out... way to go, she's a very beautifil little girl congratulations... :)
Ok...Her name is Julie Marie... Dad picked out the first name and I had the middle name. As for now, we are lucky enough to have my mom be here for 6 days after she was born to help us sleep, but she had to go home today. Julie is getting on a schedule so she is sleeping 3-4 hours between feedings. She usualy only fusses if she needs to be changed or is hungry, so I don't think lack of sleep will be too much of a problem.
Julie is getting on a schedule so she is sleeping 3-4 hours between feedings.

WOW.. I need me one of them girls then. I have a 3 month old that is awake sometimes about every hour. Nothing like getting up every hour then going to work too. Like now... Looky here, I have a 3 month old on the lap and it's 5:30 AM...... NICE ......My guess is he'll go to slep just in time for me to take a Shower and get to work.. :D I have never minded getting up with these tykes even if they are up for hours and I can't sleep. If they want to sit on my lap and be held and don't fuss I'm OK. But come Fussy time. (And breast feeding ;) )It's time to swap with MAMA .

Well... He's 3, and can't focus right... time to surf some porn ;) !!!
Daym Moosie that does suck, she is still sleeping 4-5 hours at a time. She is getting a little fussier and demands being fed every hour while we are awake, but at night she sleeps with us and usually sleeps 4-5 hours at a time....Hear that Moosie 4-5 Hrs at a time.....She is great and I love motherhood so far.....

All of you guys who claimed your women went psycho during the postpartum and scared me half to death, I have to say that is not the case for me.... I have never been happier in my life....Like the times when she has peed on her father 3 times now.... HAHAHAHAHAHA Seriously Dad is very very supportive. I had her C-section and because of that I could not do much for the first week, and he has been great. I am thinking that things are going to great because of his love and support. :D
Kids are great when they are young...Then they grow up and the fun just never seems to stop |oo

Lady Nutcracker is going to ne sending you two daown a little something for your daughter....

Wh, bad move letting the baby sleep with you! We went thru that and played hell trying to get him to sleep in his own bed. We lost a lot of sleep getting him to sleep by himself.
We are starting to let her sleep on her own in the same room. Depends on her mood. She is still sleeping longer hours, but sometimes it takes a couple hours to get her to go to bed.... I think she is getting Colicky....
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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