Ouch - *graphic*


I had a similar incident in 2019, but not as big a chunk torn off. Mine tore the rim of my ear off rather than the lobe. So long as it gets enough blood flow, ears heal pretty good. Mine does not show at all unless you know exactly where to look.

Follow the doc's orders and good luck.
Yeah, I was kind of mentally prepared for that outcome. The PA that looked at it said I might need to go to the ER and have it looked at by plastics. After he cleaned it up he seemed to have more confidence he could put it back together.

I've already tricked a good woman into marrying me and have successfully spread my seed...It wouldn't have been the worst thing, but I am glad he was able to stitch it together.
Way to stay positive man. Sorry to laugh at that. Heal up quick, get back out there and get some redemption by arrowing one of the landscape’s finest large mammals. Good luck bro. That’s gnarly!
Wow, this could have been so much worse.

Be on the lookout for easier thermal damage (frost bite), especially this winter. New blood supply can be wonky, and nerves were cut and might not grow back to give your brain the heads up that tissue damage is happening.
This. I lost a small chunk off the top of my left ear to skin cancer and that area, for whatever reason, gets WICKED cold. No real logical reason, but I basically wear a beanie from November to March because of it.

Glad it wasn’t worse for you, heal up fast.
Took a digger last year bird hunting. Full on downhill superman/ yard sale. Shotgun found a soft spot and arrowed in. Lost a pair of sunglasses off my hat.
Thinking I got off good now.
Ouch! Gnarly photo.
Thanks for sharing!😳

But truly hope you heal up quickly.
Hope your healing up nicely. It definitely could have been a lot worse. Good reminder that even trying to stay vigilant things happen and we should all be prepared to render first aid!
My wife had an accident up in a wilderness in 2016… no cell service, no inreaach. After a big hike up a mountain to find a signal she got a helicopter ride to the Trauma Center and a month in the hospital. Now I never go without my inreach with me! I didn’t own one in 2016

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