Oprah 2020??

I simply don't see justices wanting to re-tread that

Not my read on the bench. Heck recently departing justice Stevens wrote a book about amending the constitution to “fix” the 2nd amendment back to militia only rather than wait for liberal majority again. Current approaches of Chicago, Mass., Cali is as good as it will get if there is a liberal shift to the court and congress.
New bill - new fiscal year. Sucks, but that's how the wheels of gov't squeak. It does seem that the VA Secretary and the whole committee are doing the right things though. Trump does deserve credit for appointing Shuklin for that post.

Yeah we'll see. The problem with the VA is that it is constantly starved for resources so the GOP can point to it and say "See, look how terrible the federal government is at managing things! It should be privatized!" Sound familiar?? They cause the problem, then they point to the problem as an argument for getting rid of it. Same with federally managed public land.

They will continue to strip away at the VA and push for privatization. But it's fool's gold. Once the VA is gone veterans will have to find a private provider willing to take whatever terrible reimbersement is offered.

That isn't to say veterans shouldn't be able to obtain care from private providers. But they shouldn't pull resources away from the VA either.
Housing & Urban Development: The Property Brothers!

Interior - Martha Stewart, of course!
Not my read on the bench. Heck recently departing justice Stevens wrote a book about amending the constitution to “fix” the 2nd amendment back to militia only rather than wait for liberal majority again. Current approaches of Chicago, Mass., Cali is as good as it will get if there is a liberal shift to the court and congress.

Honestly, for the U.S. to get in that position there would have to be a blue wave that guaranteed the election of rural dems for the next 20 years before they could corral enough votes for something like that.
You have about 30% of American who vote Republican no matter what, and 35% of Americans who vote Democrat no matter what, and then there are 35% of Americans flopping around in the middle who haven't learned that lurching back and forth between the two parties every other election cycle is not really helping. Would be nice to galvanize the middle third into a force to be reckoned with, but don't hold much hope of it at this point.

whoa you forgot the 50% that don't vote.
I want to know what the Oprah cabinet looks like.

Sec. of Education: YOUR THIRD GRADE TEACHER FROM 1978!!


Probably a lot of Hostess snacks, Frosted Flakes, Snickers Bars, and Diet Coke...
The bug is a worm, and it's eating away at our conservation legacy. Those boys haven't done squat for sportsmen or public lands.

We are in real trouble. The UT delegation is now in charge of our public lands. It's why Zinke & Bishop tweet inane stuff out like photos w/ the caption "squad goals."

The worm is a brain eating worm that's now starved to death because there is no brain in that orange trump head.

whoa you forgot the 50% that don't vote.

My guess is a random sampling of 500 people from each low population state and 2000 from each high population state of "likely voters" gets you the same results without all the cost and logistics of an actual election day, so voter turn out is over rated (except when the turn out is uneven between the parties, e.g., Bush the elder v. Clinton).
Honestly, for the U.S. to get in that position there would have to be a blue wave that guaranteed the election of rural dems for the next 20 years before they could corral enough votes for something like that.

Heller was only 5-4 so, one heart beat away at SCOTUS. House & White House swings any given election, and the death/dying of the filibuster rules 50 + VP will can get it done in the Senate. But, yah, senate has heavy small state presence that has to be accounted for even to get to 50.
pro hunting for meat but anti "trophy hunting, which they associate with Cecil", likely pro guns to be used in hunting/sport but against "assault rifles" which in their mind is a black gun, and pro -2nd amendment but just interpret it differently than you do.

Or more simply put, ignorant on topics that are easy to be knowledgeable about. Nailed it.
Is it hunting season yet? Cause this thread is a serious waste of time...

Still killing ducks in AR. Plus an extremely generous goose conservation season. Then spring turkey season. A few places have spring bear hunting. So yes!! It is hunting season!
America, can you please stop thinking that media personalities are qualified to be POTUS? Thanks.

Unfortunately, a lot of today’s society has been afflicted/socialized to want or need to to get a endorphin fix from others drama. Reality TV is painful to watch but they are like moths to the flame or like Chushman to bacon, they have to have it. I am afraid we will see more crappy POTUS nominees because they can draw the attention of this large voting mass.

John, I couldn’t help it after you quadruple bypass text last night! Lol
Since on the thought of who would fit ideals for Prez & V. Prez, I'll toss this out there but don't let Tony read this (insert humorous chuckle).

I'd like to see Steve Bullock make a Presidential run for 2020 or 2024...
I believe there is a slight chance we have a GOP split come 2020. A Taft/Roosevelt type R fight from within. Roosevelt split from the R's to form the interesting named, Bull Moose party. This was a happy dance themed D election win for Wilson. Then there is the possibility - maybe a bit farther fetched than I would like, however, R's could chance a throat cut by removing Trump's ticket or the more possible potential this may be the election to bring a third party to the front... or a fourth depending peeved Trump and supporters feel over losing the R ticket... again to the happiness of the D's as I believe they would most likely carry the win if such happened.

Bullock is one of the few current, if not the only Red state Democrat who has breached the partisan Berlin type wall. I value Montana citizens for our break from the usual partisan positioning. Tester, Gianforte, Bullock... etc. It is rich in MT political history. More D Governors than R's. We are pro gun rights with our prior D Governor snubbing the Fed's over State sovereignty to produce certain firearms.
We are mostly Pro public land, etc.

Anyhow, Bullock has a mentioned name within the various National circuit of media for a 2020 run potential. So long as our fire season does not side track his attention, he beats the hell out of an Elizabeth Warren type, any day!
I believe, unless some turn of support swings Trumps way, he is a one term President. A better choice than Hillary and that does not say much for my first ever write in refusal to vote for either.
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