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Open AK fishing spot for someone that may be interested...

Due to some strange circumstances, the group of us that go to AK every year have found ourselves with one open slot.

We have 7 going, with room for one big deal if we don't find someone else to fill the last spot but thought I'd throw it out there.

Trip will be 1 day of travel there, 4 days of fishing, one day to relax and get our last days fish processed and fly home.

Everything is arranged with a house with 8 rooms, really nice place, charter is already booked, vehicle is already rented. We've stayed in the same place for the last 6-8 years and fished with the Charter the past 3 years, top notch.

What's the fishing like end of June?

For sure halibut, rockfish, and pacific cod will all be excellent. Salmon are salmon, but king fishing could be very good to salmon being non-existent. In the past 18-19 years we've always came home with at least 2 50lb boxes of filets, but sometimes 3-4 each. In any event, you'll be wore out catching some kind of fish. Limits will be 2 halibut day, 2 kings a day, 4 total rockfish, unlimited pacific cod. Unfortunately ling cod will not be open.

Seas are usually pretty tame, can get a little sloppy once in a while, but I've never been sea-sick...yet. Its AK so lots of shit can happen weather wise so if you're an up-tight traveler, probably not the trip for you. If you're a pain in the ass, probably not the right group to go with, we're there to have a ton of fun and catch fish. We don't drink on the boat, we're there to fish. Usually have a cocktail or two in the evenings with dinner.

If interested, PM for exact dates, link to the charter, approximate costs, etc.

Typical days:







Sometimes we catch different stuff like sharks, skates, different rockfish, yelloweyes, greenling, octopus etc. its the ocean, you just never know:



Buzz, didn’t pick up and don’t recall from past posts where you are fishing. Cook Inlet, out to the Aleutian’s, including the Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak and around to Prince William sound has a one fish, any size, on Kings this year :(
Then you'd pick yourself up off the deck and try it again.
Buzz... As annoying as you are, I don't want to put you in a wheelchair for the rest of your life. You wouldn't enjoy starting retirement out in a nursing home.
Lol i was thinking you guys could have a fishing competition and the loser gets to pack the others elk out of a deep wyoming hell hole. If @Big Fin put it on FT I bet the HT community would wear the youtube video out.

@rjthehunter just think, it could be your chance to hold a residents hand in the wilderness :)

Id love a boxing match - but lets face it - theres packing meat out of places that will kick your ass more than any grown man can :)
Holy sh!t I can Just imagine…Randy walks down to the fish scale at the filet station, wearing Grundens bibs and Xtra tuff boots . He pulls the microphone down to his mouth like Bruce Buffer. It’s 4:30 in the morning, the coffee is strong and there’s a slight breeze inshore. The ocean smells of seagull shit, and salt. The first boat engines fire up for the morning and above it all we hear “Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the main event! On the short dock, fighting out of Minnesota, he’s a construction foreman and walleye guide, RJthehunter! And on the ADA accessible dock fighting out of Wyoming, the Wyoming wiggler, Buzzh! Gentlemen touch your poles together and board the boat!”
This reminded me that I need to get my RealID license so I can fly. Passport is expired so I had to send for a copy of my birth certificate. Damn paperwork.
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