One more kick..


Active member
May 22, 2004
Southern Alberta the cat. Going out Friday with my youngest boys to scout for my oldest son and his boss who I'm taking out Saturday. Will be looking for whitetail which are in a mega-rut mode right now. Coyotes, fox and about anything else that moves for the younger boys to practice their shooting skills on.
With the deep freeze almost full I'll only shoot a whitetail if it gets my attention or charges me [self defence]. Late Friday afternoon I'm going to try leaving a doe in heat message in a couple of areas that we'll work Saturday morning.
Last kick.....

Well we got off to a late start Friday morning, I had to change the belt tensioner on the truck and could not get parts until 8:eek:o am. We arrived where we were scouting by 9:30 am and by then most of the deer were already off the fields and into the river bottom. We glassed for several hours and only spotted several bucks that hung up in the fields with hot does. These deer were hard to spot because the fields are 1 mile by 2 miles long and the crops where cut high leaving the stubble about a foot high. These deer must know what a 1/2 mile is because they are always half way between the roads. The wind came up from the north and the temp dropped well below freezing so I headed home.
Saturday morning my oldest son, my boss and myself headed out at 4:30 am. We had about a 30 minute wait for shooting light and we were set up on a main trail intothe river bottom about a 1/2 mile off the road. Now I forgot to mention anyone hunting in about a 5 mile radius of us has to have written and dated permission slips to have access to these properties. Walk in only unless you have an animal down then your aloud to drive in to retrieve your game. Being it was the last day of the season the roads were like a freeway
with idiots shooting from the road and running out, dragging their deer back to the road, loading up and f^*&ing off. I caught several on video and took a couple of licience plate #s and gave them to the local Fish cop when he showed up. With the day shot Mark my boss says "I'll be happy with a meat buck today". Well I just happen to know where the little ones er...I mean MEGA-SPIKES hang out because I've been scouting for Moosie should he ever make it to my neck of the woods :D
I've got to get the pics developed but here's a short video of the monster meat buck getting jumped out of the little drainage ditch in the middle of one of the fields. Head ache compliments of a 7mm.Marks Buck
Cool vid 'burn, that guy went down hard.

You guys in Canada have some strange rules--head to toe orange/white in SK and no orange required in AB. :D ;)

I hope your video helps the wardens get the bad guys.
Where did he shoot him? All I could see was the "white target"??? Great shot and great video....It looked like pheasant hunting instead of deer hunting... LOL>.
antlerrick the shot hit the second vertabrae below the skull. Mark the guy that shot the deer also commented on it being as much fun as pheasant hunting.