One last trip

so sorry to hear of your brothers passing but super happy that you had a chance to do what you both loved, that is a great last memory.
Loss is never easy, but glad you guys got to spend some time together and make memories right to the end.
I wish my brothers were half the man you are dude. I’m envious, sad and content after reading that. Thanks for sharing.
One can only hope that your experiences with your brother and all the events which comprised his last trip will help get you and his family through the period of grieving which follows the loss of a loved one.

My most sincere condolences on the loss of Randall, and I'm sure you will embrace the memories you have of him for the remainder of your days. God's grace on you and the family.
Thank you so much for sharing. I am so sorry for your loss. It sounds like his adventure was wrapped up just the way he wanted, not in a hospital bed. It sounds like you and his wife were also left with an encyclopedia filled with memories to smile, laugh, cry, and connect over. Probably all at the same time.

Most of all, thank you for the reminder to connect with my brother. I didn’t draw MT this year and as of now we didn’t make our yearly hunt together. The idea swirls in my mind that hunting with him isn’t about tags or antlers, but connection and love. I’ll text him now.

God Bless you, your Brother and all connected to the two of you.
Thank you for the kind thoughts and prayers.

It's something we all have to go through with family. I miss him dearly, but I know how sick he was. His happiness the past few months does ease the pain. I'm glad we were able to pull it off.
Outstanding pictures and story. Thank you for sharing this. Much respect for you and his wife.
So sorry for your loss. I'm praying that God brings you and your family peace.
We may never know or understand why, but God's timing is always perfect.
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