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One for the bucket list

I've always wondered but never had anyone to ask about Gator hunting....Care to elucidate us on some of the Finer details?

Snagging, or Archery before the Coup de Grace ala Elmer Kieth?

How much meat can you get off a 600# gator?

Do you skin out the head for a lifesize mount?

Sorry but you are the first person I've had access to to ask.

Where and How do you skin one for a lifesize mount
Thank you all! I snagged him on a treble hook. And fought him on 200lbs power pro on a spinning rod. After I finally got him to the surface we roped him to get him out of the water. It was quite a wrestling match. I can say though until he was tired which was hours later, he had entire control of the situation. He was taking me everywhere he wanted to go. The tags in Florida are either private or public land tags. Private land tags are not as restricted by seasons as the public land tags. I personally would never shoot one with a rifle, but I may consider archery equipment if I were to ever do it again for say a pair of boots or purse and boots or something of that nature.
Kicka$$ man --- eeee gads is that huge. Congrats!
On my list too - trip in the works here in the next couple years.
Super! I'm trying to convince the wife that next year's Disney trip needs to add a gator hunt to the schedule. Way cool critter and I'd be the coolest of cool to my two kiddos.
That is a brute. I should draw another SC tag this year or the next worst case. I took an 11' with a harpoon and knife. It is a blast and way better than the junk you see on tv. Full body mount is awesome. Who is doing your work? I had Pernell's do a head and neck mount. A full body is not cheap but for a gator that size it is most likely a once in a lifetime experience. The average I think is under 8 feet. The monsters on Swamp People are grossly exaggerated. You truly hooked a trophy there.
I have been putting in for tags in Georgia but have yet to draw. I am having JCtaxidermy do it in Florida. They have done many lifesize Gators and I was impressed with their work. Their turn around time is also very good at less than 1 year. If I get one in the future (when I draw the Georgia tag) that's around 10 ft, I had an awesome idea for a coffee table with a 1/2 lifeSize. Gremcat, could you please PM me a photo of your mount?

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