Once In a Lifetime

Thank you for sharing a great hunt, and congratulations! And add me to the ... had no clue moose were in ND.
Man this was actually the first time since I moved out of ND three months ago that I started to miss that state! Fantastic write up to an awesome adventure. You had me on the edge of my seat with every post! Congrats on the successful hunt!
Great story and moose. Brings back so many memories from my 2010 hunt. Can't wait for the opportunity to tag along on another ND moose hunt.
What a great write-up. You definitely did the tag justice, and I appreciate the excellent write-up. Lets those who aren’t able to draw a moose tag get an understanding of what it’s like to have one.
I like the part about the landowner telling you the door is unlocked and to grab snacks. Reminds me of when I was in school in ND. Definitely a different place than most anywhere else....in a good way...
Congrats on a beautiful bull!
After a quick glance the bull proceeded to walk directly at me. With each step he would let out a soft grunt. Closer and closer he came! No way was this happening! Despite the bipod and pack as support the crosshairs of my scope were bouncing up and down. I knew I would have to pull it together and tighten things up since it appeared a frontal shot was going to be the shot I would get. The bull kept walking closer, grunting the whole way.

At 35 yards I decided even a shaking hunter couldn't miss an animal of this size.
Epic story!
Great pics! One of the few occasions the story was my main and photos secondary.
Thanks for taking the time to put this event into words.
Grats on your hunt!

With all the turmoil in the world these days it was quite refreshing to remember people like Roger are still around!
Quality experience.
Epic tags usually lead to quality experiences and you proved that to a tee! Congrats on a fantastic bull and great job writing up the day by day accounts of your adventure.
Congrats on a great bull and a great hunt!!! Thank you for representing the good hunting public and doing the right thing by respecting the land and asking permission as needed. Your story was truly an inspiration. Thank you for sharing....
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