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Once Fired Brass .300 WM, .338 WM, 7mm RM, .30-06, & .270 Win

If he's not interested, I might be.
Sounds good below are the counts I have. Let me know if you’re interested.

6.5 cm
L= large primer
S=small primer

  • Hornady 90 L
  • 20 Barnes L
  • 20 federal S
  • 59 S&B L
I am new to the forum, I am not sure how to pm or why it won't let you pm me. How much for the brass?
I am new to the forum, I am not sure how to pm or why it won't let you pm me. How much for the brass?
I'm pretty sure you need 10 posts in conversation before some of the privileges are allowed. It also wouldn't hurt to fill out your profile. It will make you look less like a scammer that joined just to take advantage of other people.
Waiting on a new Franchi Momentum, black Friday buy. I typically reload for all my rifles and work up a couple loads for each. Have dies and can get bullets locally but brass has eluded me. Would be happy with 100-200 pieces.
You can see him sending out PM's.at10 post requirement. He sent one to me and I replied with a high price and a "green cash" payment. I got dead air. He could be legit but,,,,,,,
I am legit, didn't respond because your price was high and didn't want to make you mad by saying so. Bought brass from cohunter1991.
Price was definitely high for a reason. If you were trying to scam you would have gone for it instead countering. I also asked for green cash which would kill a scammer deal. When you decided to not answer a reply to a conversation that you initiated, it definitely looked like a wonky deal.
I just made an offer on a couple scopes from another member. I low-balled him and he came back with a counter . In the end nobody gets pissy. Simple courtesy would be to answer and say my price was too high but would I take $xx.xx.

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