Kenetrek Boots

On My Own Taxidermy!! Wifes Deer

Bambi, I clicked on that link the other day and said, "OMG!" and left. Then I had to go back and see if all the comments said what a great mount it was, and was pleasantly surprised to see the honest responses. Heck of a nice fellow that offered to re-mount it for free.

The deer in the OP looks great, in my opinion.
That looks great to me. I really need to learn how to do my own.

I think the most important skill in doing taxidermy is patience. Every step is tedious. It takes me around 30 hrs to complete a mount. This includes everything from taking the hide off the skull to painting the nose. A fellow on this site turned me on to when I was mounting my Kudu. Check it out. They have a lot of valuable tutorials.
Thanks and Good Luck!
Nice work. I need to get into that. Right now I have about $2500 in work with my taxi...two bears, one rug and one lifesize, a lifesize javelina, and a mule deer shoulder mount that is my wifes...
Good looking mount. I have a question for you how many hours do you think you have into that mount total
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