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??? on drawing a Montana Goat Tag.

Isn't there something about ID rules, that you can only apply for one species in the limited draw or something? Been a few years since I applied there. Definitely have the best odds in the west for any of the big 3.
Isn't there something about ID rules, that you can only apply for one species in the limited draw or something? Been a few years since I applied there. Definitely have the best odds in the west for any of the big 3.

Yup. You can only apply for either moose, or goat, or sheep, but only one of them. If you apply for any of them, you cannot apply in the deer/elk/antelope draw. For any, you must buy the non-refundable NR hunting license.
And remember that the odds are limited to 10% for nonresidents in Idaho. While some units may appear to have good odds, there are only 4 mountain goat tags available to nonresidents for the entire state of Idaho. That puts the overall odds just over 2% which is still better than some states.
Yup. You can only apply for either moose, or goat, or sheep, but only one of them. If you apply for any of them, you cannot apply in the deer/elk/antelope draw. For any, you must buy the non-refundable NR hunting license.

This will be my first year putting in for antelope in MT. In MT, for a non-res, are the fees just the $10 conservation license and then actual cost of tag if drawn? No pricey required non-res hunting license like Idaho?
Thanks for the help guys. Better start doing more research and seeing what the best option is... I guess the only way too learn is dive in and start applying for tags.
I feel like you might be better off just buying tickets for the "super tag" or whatever it's called. Can't quite remember the name of it. Also if I remember correctly, it now costs about $70 just to get a point???

I had 3 points going into last year's draw but did not apply last year because it just doesn't seem like it's worth it for $70. If money isn't much of an issue, go ahead and apply but if it is an issue, I think you could spend your money better on something else.
That's were I'm hung up on right now. I don't have a pile of extra cash sitting around so I'm trying to find the best option. Everyday I look at this site and get another wild hair to hunt something else.
Careful believing the Idaho sheep, goat or moose odds for NR. Sure 1 of 8 NR applicants drew in Unit X. Sweet. 0 of 8 drew in Y and Z.

Go to the Idaho website and you can gather how many tags went to NR for a species and then add up how many NR applied.

You are limited to either applying for a sheep tag or a moose tag or a goat tag or a elk/deer/pronghorn set of tags.

Idaho does not total but provides a recap sheet so you can add up and do the math. Here is the link to the recaps:
Montana changed the fees for moose sheep and goat last year, $10 to apply for residents, $30 for non-residents, per species. then if you draw, you pay the remainder of the fee for the tag. so for the price of a nice dinner for two, as a non-res you can apply for all three species.
Montana changed the fees for moose sheep and goat last year, $10 to apply for residents, $30 for non-residents, per species. then if you draw, you pay the remainder of the fee for the tag. so for the price of a nice dinner for two, as a non-res you can apply for all three species.

Plus bonus point fees, which add up.

Isn't it something like $240 now for a NR to apply for the big 3?
Hopefully, with any luck, I can be forced to remove myself from the big 3 draw in Montana this year following the results.
Originally Posted by mtmiller
MT goat tags are a piece of cake to draw. I plan to draw my 3rd one in 2016.

Suck it Craig!!!...only person luckier than you is the guy who drew back to back breaks sheep tags. LOL

Just got my permission slip from FWP to put in for sheep again...I'm totally convinced I'll draw another ram tag this yr.
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I realized long ago that I'll never draw a sheep or goat tag.At my age it will be a guided hunt to Alaska or forget hunting them.I can't justify the coast of a sheep hunt,but goat hunts on Kodiak aren't terribly out of hand price wise.Probably be cheaper to become a resident there then to go on a guided sheep hunt
I wish you luck in the draws,but realize they are long shots in all states.If you really want a goat, start putting a little bit away each year and go to Kodiak and hunt them.If you put away $25 a week for 5 years you'll get to go hunt goats.But, by then the cost will go up so lets say 6 years,but $25 a week is easy to put away
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