Oly, Lena, and Sven


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
"Land of Giant Rams"
Oly and Lena's farm is doing well so they decide to hire Sven to help out with the chores. One night, Oly and Sven go to town and go on a real bender. Next morning Sven get's up to do the chores and is in a real fowl mood. While feeding the chickens, one gets in his way so he kicks it. "Get the frick out of my way chicken!" yells Sven. Feeding the pigs, one craps on him, so he kicks it too. "That will teach you frickin pig!" exclaims Sven. Next, while milking the cow it steps on him so he gives it a good kick as well. "Fricken cow, take this!"

When Sven gets back back to the house, Lena tells him he get's nothing for breakfast. "I saw you kick the chicken Sven. The chicken lays the eggs, so you get no eggs. I saw you kick the pig, the pig gives us bacon so you get no bacon. And I saw you kick the cow. The cow gives milk so you get no milk.

Just then a hungover Oly comes stumbling down the stairs. The cat runs out in front and trips him, causing him to fall down the rest of the stair well. Oly gets up and boots him across the room, "fricken cat" he roars!

Sven looks over at Lena and say's "well should I tell him, or are you going to?"
No worries, you nailed Sven!

I am a purebred norwegian and growing up in eastern Nodak there was always stories of Ole and Lena flying around. There was even a lefse company not far from home that was called "Ole and Lena's Lefse". I am getting hungry just thinking about it!

I worked for a short time on a Norwegian Family farm in Wisconsin between high school and college that was very similar to the one in the above joke. The family was crazy but the homemade Lefse they made was pretty darn good!
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