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Ollin problems


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2013
North Dakota
Has anyone had any issues with their ollin piece constantly coming off their eye piece of their spotter? I just got mine and leave Wednesday for an elk hunt. I have the swaro sts 80 HD older that 2022 and thats what I ordered. But it seems like the ollin piece is a tad too small and when I put it on it keeps pushing itself off. Maybe I'm doing it wrong lol but seemed self explanatory. I did email them but given the holiday I figured I'd reach out to you guys. I did notice if I extend the "eye extender" on my swaro it fits better. But if I have that all the way flush it's a definite no go. And the ollin piece comes off when I put their eye cover on then take it off.

Maybe some duct tape will fix it haha

Never had too small. Mine is slightly too large since they didn't have my brand. I used a little electrical tape to fix that.

Maybe you could use sand paper to make it fit a little less tight?
Never had too small. Mine is slightly too large since they didn't have my brand. I used a little electrical tape to fix that.

Maybe you could use sand paper to make it fit a little less tight?
That might work! I kep trying to put it on and it kept just sliding off the eye piece on its own. Or black tape it to the eye piece!!
Just wanted to update this, Ollin reached out to me. and i think we found the problem. fingers crossed!! I have a swaro older than 2022 but i recently sent it in for some minor repair on the eye piece. the swaro 22 or older used a different rubber and i am guessing they upgraded my rubber to the newer one they use around the eye pieces 23 and new. Ollin is sending me the updated version and a prepaid shipping label to send mine back.

Top notch customer service and pretty fast with their response!
Update on the update.

Got my replacement eye piece last week. It fit like a charm with no issues. Just a FYI if you send your swaro eye piece in for warranty work and its 2022 or older and they upgrade your rubber on the eye piece your ollin eye piece will not fit the best.

But great customer service from Ollin!
Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping Systems

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