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My oldest son at 29 shot his first Elk this morning. Now he's been hunting with me for 28 years and could never pull the pin on an Elk before myself or my other 2 sons fill the freezer.
He's put in his time packing his other siblings animals and has put his share of deer in the freezer. So this morning we headed out for the first hunt of the year just me and number 1.
I dropped him off at the head of one trail and headed 600 yards down the road to take a game trail into a pond that we'd discovered last year. his loop would take about 3 hours around
the ridge and he would collect me at the pond on his way back down. I'm older so I chose to sit at the pond 1/2 mile off the road. We always head in the direction of who ever shoots first to help
trail of drag which ever it may be. So not five minutes after I drop him off I step out of the truck and shake a quick leg before I grab my gear to head out. I'm just reaching for my rifle and I hear
a shot and and thump almost at the same time. Ok I'm not one step into my hunt and I hop back in the truck and head back to were I dropped him off. As I get out I see him round the bend of the
trail maybe 50 yards up the hill. He's laughing and saying I'm gonna hate him, at which point I figured he had shot a Whitetail buck seeing as there are a few in the area. He takes me up the trail about
100 yards from the truck and stops and points into the bush. I look over and damned if he doesn't have a bull down. He tells me he stopped for a second because he had forgot to load his rifle and as
he was putting the last shell in the bull walked out on the trail stood broadside and was looking the other way. He chambered a round and took the shot with the 160gr Accubond blew the heart apart.
We did have to half it to drag it down to the truck and we were home with it skinned and hanging in the garage 6 hours after we left the house. Lady luck or as I like to call it my superior guiding skills
put him in the right place at the right time.
He's put in his time packing his other siblings animals and has put his share of deer in the freezer. So this morning we headed out for the first hunt of the year just me and number 1.
I dropped him off at the head of one trail and headed 600 yards down the road to take a game trail into a pond that we'd discovered last year. his loop would take about 3 hours around
the ridge and he would collect me at the pond on his way back down. I'm older so I chose to sit at the pond 1/2 mile off the road. We always head in the direction of who ever shoots first to help
trail of drag which ever it may be. So not five minutes after I drop him off I step out of the truck and shake a quick leg before I grab my gear to head out. I'm just reaching for my rifle and I hear
a shot and and thump almost at the same time. Ok I'm not one step into my hunt and I hop back in the truck and head back to were I dropped him off. As I get out I see him round the bend of the
trail maybe 50 yards up the hill. He's laughing and saying I'm gonna hate him, at which point I figured he had shot a Whitetail buck seeing as there are a few in the area. He takes me up the trail about
100 yards from the truck and stops and points into the bush. I look over and damned if he doesn't have a bull down. He tells me he stopped for a second because he had forgot to load his rifle and as
he was putting the last shell in the bull walked out on the trail stood broadside and was looking the other way. He chambered a round and took the shot with the 160gr Accubond blew the heart apart.
We did have to half it to drag it down to the truck and we were home with it skinned and hanging in the garage 6 hours after we left the house. Lady luck or as I like to call it my superior guiding skills
put him in the right place at the right time.