old sheep phots

Are those sheep from the same area as the sheep that were transplanted to Nebraska earlier this month?
Yes they are. There are 2 types of genetics in the area. There are sheep that come out of the Jasper National park and back and forth to Cadomin mine. The Jasper park sheep are tight curled rams for the most part and the Mine rams are big bases and loopy horns. Most of these sheep don't leave the mine site and are over populated. Personally i would rather see the extra sheep population used to increase and stabalize our herds in Alberta than sending them to the U.S FOR FREE! We have issues in some areas here that need taken care of and to not get anything in return has not sat right with most Albertans. Heck nobody even knew that that happened or there would have been a big uproar. I am glad our sheep has helped out but not getting anything in return stinks. This has happened too many times in the past. Our Gov't offiscials in charge are really not helping things here. Next time it would be nice to at least send a few $$ so we can do something to benefit our herds here.

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