PEAX Equipment

Okie Needs CO Advice, Please


Sep 3, 2013
Eastern, OK
I'm trying to sort this out on my own but I'm hoping I can get some general advice from more experienced hunters. I have a 3rd rifle mule deer tag and will probably pick up an OTC elk tag.

There is one area in the units I drew a tag for that burned in 2012. I can't even tell by looking at the map that it burned but I'm sure there are still trace minerals in the soil. But when I look at the CO hunting atlas it shows the migration corridors and winter ranges about 15 miles southeast of that area. Would I be better off taking my chances in the burn or relying on the atlas information? Both areas are only 1.5-2 miles from the nearest road. The northern part of the unit is all higher elevation and I'm guessing the animals will have moved out of the high country by then. Am I right?

Thanks again.
3rd season I wouldn't worry about where the travel corridors are, and I would hunt the burn area. Unless there is major snow to push everything out of high elevations, there will still be alot of animals at those elevations.
Just have plan A B C and so on. Best advice I can give is keep moving till you find fresh sign. My first few years I messed up by hunting areas that they just weren't there good. Like Jorgy said the weather will be a big factor whether the elk are still high or not. Good luck