got fish?
New member
First of all, most of you should remember my first little sob story about me taking apart my reel to clean it, and I couldn’t get it back together. Well, I eventually got it back together but, I had parts left over. I didn’t realize to what extent I ruined it until Wed. morning. IT’S SHOT TO HELL! I’m checking around to see where I can get it fixed (thanks for the advice Amberjack).
Once upon a time there was a large hairy man who liked to fish a lot. Ok, it’s me. I go to Tempe Town Lake in the mornings on my way home from work to fish and practice new things I read or see others doing. On one particular morning (8/7/02) I was really excited to go. Because the day before I was FINALLY able to acquire the most sought after fishing lure ever created by man(some even say that the hand of GOD comes down and touches these sacred lures). Through much begging and persistence I finally convinced the Holy Fishing Oracle to sell me a bag of........KEN'S ABORION BROWN HAND POURED WORMS!!!! (Thanks Ken!!!!!). At 5am this enthusiastic fisherman set up a Texas rig and put on one of Ken’s beautiful yet very stinky worms and threw it out. As soon as I started to reel in, WHAM! HOOK SET! SCREEMING REEL! Then, nothing……the fish got away. The next cast, same thing, but…….I had a 2 pounder to show for it! Knowing that these worms were a sure thing I decided to save them for special occasions like the Monday morning social hours and maybe even Lake Pleasant after the AZ Game & Fish Meeting. So, I dug in the tackle box and pulled out one of the many new lures that was unselfishly given to me by 2FASTNAZ (Thanks J.D.). I tried a spinnerbait, nothing. I tried a Rat-L-Trap, nothing. I tried a Crawdad crankbait, nothing. Next I went back to the Texas rig but, used one of my 4” powerbait worms, and sure enough they started to produce bites as soon as I cast out! Some time later a beautiful young woman comes walking my way with a little boy at her side. I must confess that I had a few scary flashbacks at that moment, all I ever say is, “No, he’s not mine, go away!” But thankfully this time, it was Nightcrawler and her boy. They set up next to me and Tempe pops. It was pretty fun to see her boy light up when I pulled in two more fish (or was it one, I can’t remember). I have another confession. I almost had three (or two) fish. I got a decent fish on the line and almost had it out of the water, when the fish looked to me and said, “Goodbye Loser!” and he swam away. I was about to yell out some nasty explicative, when I looked over and saw Nightcrawler and her little boy looking at me. I bit my lip and yelled out, “CRAP! THAT SILLY FISH! DANG HIM!! I gained my composure and started fishing again. Then the unthinkable happens……………..
I GET SNAGGED!!! This would turn out to be no ordinary snag. I start to pull and yank on it like I normally do (BTW, Delw, you’ll have to show me that “Line Snapping” trick again) and then………………SNAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know what your thinking, You think that it was my line that snapped, I WISH! IT WAS MY DAM POLE!!!! IT SNAPPED IN TWO!!!!! Next thing I know, the top half is slipping down into the water. As I try to get my line unsnagged then the line decides to break and I loose yet another worm, hook, sinker, bead, and MY DAM POLE!!!
So, I pack it up, say my goodbyes, and go home to tell my wife what happened to the Christmas present her father gave me and that it is sitting on the bottom of the lake. I guess I can kiss MY G-Loomis goodbye for another couple of years. What makes this story even worse is, that was my only rod and, here’s the kicker…..My wife’s father is taking all of us to go fishing up to Jackson Hole, WY at the end of this month.
The End……………..of my life as I know it.
P.S. I am still planning on going to the AZG&F meeting on the 12th. Monday morning social hour at saguaro, no. Lake Pleasant after the meeting, no.

Once upon a time there was a large hairy man who liked to fish a lot. Ok, it’s me. I go to Tempe Town Lake in the mornings on my way home from work to fish and practice new things I read or see others doing. On one particular morning (8/7/02) I was really excited to go. Because the day before I was FINALLY able to acquire the most sought after fishing lure ever created by man(some even say that the hand of GOD comes down and touches these sacred lures). Through much begging and persistence I finally convinced the Holy Fishing Oracle to sell me a bag of........KEN'S ABORION BROWN HAND POURED WORMS!!!! (Thanks Ken!!!!!). At 5am this enthusiastic fisherman set up a Texas rig and put on one of Ken’s beautiful yet very stinky worms and threw it out. As soon as I started to reel in, WHAM! HOOK SET! SCREEMING REEL! Then, nothing……the fish got away. The next cast, same thing, but…….I had a 2 pounder to show for it! Knowing that these worms were a sure thing I decided to save them for special occasions like the Monday morning social hours and maybe even Lake Pleasant after the AZ Game & Fish Meeting. So, I dug in the tackle box and pulled out one of the many new lures that was unselfishly given to me by 2FASTNAZ (Thanks J.D.). I tried a spinnerbait, nothing. I tried a Rat-L-Trap, nothing. I tried a Crawdad crankbait, nothing. Next I went back to the Texas rig but, used one of my 4” powerbait worms, and sure enough they started to produce bites as soon as I cast out! Some time later a beautiful young woman comes walking my way with a little boy at her side. I must confess that I had a few scary flashbacks at that moment, all I ever say is, “No, he’s not mine, go away!” But thankfully this time, it was Nightcrawler and her boy. They set up next to me and Tempe pops. It was pretty fun to see her boy light up when I pulled in two more fish (or was it one, I can’t remember). I have another confession. I almost had three (or two) fish. I got a decent fish on the line and almost had it out of the water, when the fish looked to me and said, “Goodbye Loser!” and he swam away. I was about to yell out some nasty explicative, when I looked over and saw Nightcrawler and her little boy looking at me. I bit my lip and yelled out, “CRAP! THAT SILLY FISH! DANG HIM!! I gained my composure and started fishing again. Then the unthinkable happens……………..
I GET SNAGGED!!! This would turn out to be no ordinary snag. I start to pull and yank on it like I normally do (BTW, Delw, you’ll have to show me that “Line Snapping” trick again) and then………………SNAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know what your thinking, You think that it was my line that snapped, I WISH! IT WAS MY DAM POLE!!!! IT SNAPPED IN TWO!!!!! Next thing I know, the top half is slipping down into the water. As I try to get my line unsnagged then the line decides to break and I loose yet another worm, hook, sinker, bead, and MY DAM POLE!!!
So, I pack it up, say my goodbyes, and go home to tell my wife what happened to the Christmas present her father gave me and that it is sitting on the bottom of the lake. I guess I can kiss MY G-Loomis goodbye for another couple of years. What makes this story even worse is, that was my only rod and, here’s the kicker…..My wife’s father is taking all of us to go fishing up to Jackson Hole, WY at the end of this month.
The End……………..of my life as I know it.
P.S. I am still planning on going to the AZG&F meeting on the 12th. Monday morning social hour at saguaro, no. Lake Pleasant after the meeting, no.