Oh well, I tried. Guess non resident hunters don't need any help!

Sucks to hear. For future reference, I'm in the AF, from the midwest, living in NM, so I'd be willing to help ya set up camp summer time next year ;)
Thank you for them. You, sir, are a rare breed. Based on what life is like in much of the 2017 U.S., those fellas might have thought the whole thing was like seeing a bigfoot. It just didn't register because they weren't used to that kind of generosity. No excuse, but I've seen similar situations. Please don't let it sour you.
Wow, sure are a lot of folks commenting on my post here. Some have made comments that imply not all in the military are like these guys. Just for clarification, what in part prompted me to want to help these hunters was that they were family men, in the service, but I certainly don't think they tainted my opinion of anyone in the military.
Yesterday, I saddled up and rode the 4 miles to this camp just to enjoy the Fall colors on a nice September day. Coming out, I ran into a group of hunters with no bows, just packframes. We chatted awhile and they killed a 5 pt. Bull in this general area that was screaming his head off. They were non residents and never hunted this area before. I thought to myself this Bull might have fallen to the two guys that never showed! Ha!
At the trailhead, another hunter approached me while I was saddling my horse and putting a pack saddle on the Mule. He said his buddy shot a 6pt. on the mountain, and they got an area Outfitter to pack it out. The Outfitter charged him $400 for the job. I thought wow, that's a pretty good chunk of change. All I got was a 12pack of beer!
Wow, sure are a lot of folks commenting on my post here. Some have made comments that imply not all in the military are like these guys. Just for clarification, what in part prompted me to want to help these hunters was that they were family men, in the service, but I certainly don't think they tainted my opinion of anyone in the military.
Yesterday, I saddled up and rode the 4 miles to this camp just to enjoy the Fall colors on a nice September day. Coming out, I ran into a group of hunters with no bows, just packframes. We chatted awhile and they killed a 5 pt. Bull in this general area that was screaming his head off. They were non residents and never hunted this area before. I thought to myself this Bull might have fallen to the two guys that never showed! Ha!
At the trailhead, another hunter approached me while I was saddling my horse and putting a pack saddle on the Mule. He said his buddy shot a 6pt. on the mountain, and they got an area Outfitter to pack it out. The Outfitter charged him $400 for the job. I thought wow, that's a pretty good chunk of change. All I got was a 12pack of beer!

You need to raise your prices to at least a a 24pack!
I agree with all the posts about failure to follow thru. You went above and beyond expectations for a stranger.

I just want to comment on your camp setup. Spectacular.
Very generous of you Windymtnman. Your friends are blessed to have a guy like you they can call on when needed.
You should post the userid of this person so we all know who to avoid.... :)

I for one would love someone to show me a spot and help me elk hunt for free, what an idiot this person is.
That's one hell of a camp! I think I'd enjoy hanging out there just for kicks!

Fine gesture by you. It is what it is I guess, but either way, props to you on sharing some of your hard earned areas.
Takes a lot to offer so much, and not even get a response. Kudos to you for your generosity! Amazing offer for sure
I learned from a young age to "Do a good turn daily." Windymtnman, it seems as though you are the embodiment of that slogan.
amazing camp and countryside, understand your frustration in wanting to share your blessings, hard work and your passion for elk hunting with someone only to have it go unnoticed. my thoughts are the same as most here , id hang out with you anytime :cool: ,
Pretty awesome setup there Windy! I've found a lot of folks want to go elk hunting, until it's actually time to go elk hunting.
Thats a terrific setup you have! There is an Englishman on this site who has a drawing for people who want to hunt his place in exchange for a BHA donation (I think it was). Have you considered doing something along those lines? There are probably several folks who would be interested. Just food for thought... Either way it's great to hear what you are doing.
Interesting to read the variety of responses here. In that I met the would be hunters on this forum, it's quite possible they'll be reading all the posts too. Life is too short to be mean spirited any feelings or comments.
I'm not really looking for a pat on the back either. As I roll up on my 67th birthday in a couple weeks, I'm just counting my blessings that I can still get out on the mountain and hit it fairly hard. In that I was once in the position any DIY out-of-State/non resident hunter is, I can fully relate to the questions and anxieties they have about driving to Colorado for a hunt. In some ways, I feel like a Dad that gets to see his kid go out and "get one". I'm not meaning to over dramatize any of this, it is what it is. I'd also feel bad for hunters that took me up on an offer, and then went home thinking they had a less than spectacular hunt. So there's that too.

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