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Officials kill bull elk for approaching herd

#1 Then the money could go to research to find a cure for CWD

#2 The farmers should be required to pay for there own double fence, and pay for a permit, the fees could then go to pay inspectors to check the fences. The fences MUST be elk proof, and keep in good repair.

#3 I don't think to much of "game farms" but I hate the goverment telling people what they can & can't do.

#4 Once again, the farmers should pay for their own fences, and if they don't want to, then don't raise elk, deer or other wild animals !
<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Why do people insist on domesticating every last species on earth? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

EXACTLY !!! Frreeee the Domestic COWS !!!!!!!

Hey Washington hunter, were is the line ? What aniomals Should be able to be kept and What ones not ? Angora Sheep ? Oryx ? Horses ? Or is it jsut for the Elk and Deer. How About Buffalo ?

THANX in Advance.

PS, MAybe you should take up Ranching, Hows your luck been on Finding the elk
I got it, I got it.
All game farme must be completly enclosed and air tight. Any air passing out must be forced through bio hazard rated filters.
The structure must then be surrounded by a fifty foot high, ten foot thick concret wall, topped with electrified bobwire.
The sugeon general could put togather a team of experts to preform a complet medical check up on every elk every day, even shining a flashlight up each animals butt to make sure no commies were hideing up there.
To enter, you'de need a password that changes daily, and a finger print test.
Locations would be keep top seceret, and tresspassers would be shot on site.
The fifty foot wall would, of course, extend thirty feet underground to keep the elk from burrowing out (or in).
A team of Armey Rangers, commanded by Jessica Lynch would be in charge of security.
Hunters wanting to "hunt" the farm would have to go through a F.B.I. background check, and "decomtamaninated" upon entering and again when leaving. They would be escorted "blindfolded" to and from the ranch to protect the location.

I don't see any other way.
Or you could just not allow them. In a representative republic, is it the government telling us what to do, or is it us telling ourselves what to do?

I really don't have a problem with exotic game farms, as there is much less chance of causing problems with wild herds. Farms with native species are another story...

Elk, moose, mule deer, black tail deer, whitetail deer, pronghorn, black bear, grizzly bear, cougar...that's about all I can think of...none of those species should be privately owned. Oh...bison, they have already been domesticated so that's no longer an issue. I'd like to know how any of these species came to be privately owned anyway. Isn't all wildlife in this country owned by the public? It's just wrong, that's all there is to it. And no, I haven't had any luck killing an elk this year. But give me a break, I only went out one day, and I didn't expect to see any elk anyway, mostly was just hoping to kill a deer. Elk hunting sucks around here as I'm sure you know. Hopefully when I retire in 20 years I'll move to Idaho or somewhere else where there are more elk than hunters.
WA Hunter, I agree. Bighorn Sheep and Mtn. goats, too. There are people raising Desert Sheep and selling them to Mexican outfitters now. A lot of those $30,000 Mexican Desert Sheep that the guys are bringing back were born in California!
Oh yeah, I forgot mountain goats and bighorn sheep, but it never really occured to me that anybody would try to raise them. But I am sure if money can be made, they will do it, whether it's right or not. The mentality of these type of people is "if it's legal it's ok."
I want to start raising dogs for sale, so I feel that the city should pay for the fencing of my yard. Is that a fair analogy?
Gambels, yes it is...except for the fact that raising dogs for sale SHOULD be legal, but raising elk for sale should NOT. So a better analogy would be for you to ask taxpayers to foot the bill for a fence around your marijuana plantation.
Ok so this Game Official shot and killed a bull elk just becuase of the spread of CWD which isn't even in Idaho at this time? If that isn't why the elk was shot what was the reason. I guess I'm just confused.

Quick Draw
QD, the reason the wild elk was killed is because theres a good chance the domestic herd has CWD...its been detected on many game farms.

If the wild elk came in contact with the mutants in the pen, it could possibly contract and spread it to other wild animals.

Just another example of game farms destroying my wild herds and having to spend license dollars to deal with this kind of situation...all caused by the need to farm elk.
Ok thanks Buzz for the clearification. So with that being said I would like to place my opinion. I disagress with "ELK FARMS" being completly fenced on all sides so people can have elk as domesticated pets should be against the law. But on the other hand places like the Elk Refuge I surpport becuase that is like a "safe haven" for the elk and other animals to go and get the proper nutriants that may be harder for them to find up in the mountains or in the meadows that are trampled by everything out in the wild. The elk and other animals are stil wild and are free to come and go as they please, but why would they if they have the food and water tehy need to survive harsh winters. Anyways back to the point of "ELK FARMS" or 'deer farms" I think they should be against the law for the main reason of CWD on the farm and the worry that it could be transmitted to the "wild" animals on the outside.
But that is just my opinion you may not agree with it and then agian you may just agree with me and say what a good post this is.
Quick Draw
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