Off to knee surgery…

Well, I’m off to knee surgery again tomorrow. I tore off a 4.4cm2 piece of meniscus in my right knee and it is now stuck in the crook (very sciency term) of my femur. I may also need a new ACL and other tuneups. I REALLY hope not. The last 2 years have been Dominated by surgery, and the degradation of my body.

I dream of getting back to being an athletic middle-aged adventurer with a slightly toned down adrenal gland.

I accept all forms of prayer, energy, thoughts, vibes, placebos, and any woo woo stuff. I hope this morning finds you healthy!
Good luck. Hope the recovery goes well
Well, the battle continues. My left knee has decided to shat the bed. The meniscus has completely degraded and the compact bone is disintegrating. This has caused all my ligaments to loosen and everyone loves walking next to me due to the loud repetitive 3 crunches.

I will be having Stryker robotic knee surgery on the 27th of January. Wish me luck. I pray this ends this mayhem. I am doing Pre-T daily to prep.
Well, the battle continues. My left knee has decided to shat the bed. The meniscus has completely degraded and the compact bone is disintegrating. This has caused all my ligaments to loosen and everyone loves walking next to me due to the loud repetitive 3 crunches.

I will be having Stryker robotic knee surgery on the 27th of January. Wish me luck. I pray this ends this mayhem. I am doing Pre-T daily to prep.
This sounds like a rough road for a while. Are you having titanium installed or what?
Well, the battle continues. My left knee has decided to shat the bed. The meniscus has completely degraded and the compact bone is disintegrating. This has caused all my ligaments to loosen and everyone loves walking next to me due to the loud repetitive 3 crunches.

I will be having Stryker robotic knee surgery on the 27th of January. Wish me luck. I pray this ends this mayhem. I am doing Pre-T daily to prep.
Paging Lee Majors…

Jeez man, wishing you the best.
This will be my 4th knee surgery in about 2 years. I’ve kept fighting. I’ve shot 3 deer in that time, 4 turkeys and more.

Yep, it’s the Stryker Triathalon. It has 15 years of data backing it up. The robot makes a monstrous difference across the board.

I’m more of a…

Well, I’m off to knee surgery again tomorrow. I tore off a 4.4cm2 piece of meniscus in my right knee and it is now stuck in the crook (very sciency term) of my femur. I may also need a new ACL and other tuneups. I REALLY hope not. The last 2 years have been Dominated by surgery, and the degradation of my body.

I dream of getting back to being an athletic middle-aged adventurer with a slightly toned down adrenal gland.

I accept all forms of prayer, energy, thoughts, vibes, placebos, and any woo woo stuff. I hope this morning finds you healthy!
Had acl reconstruction meniscus trim a few years ago. Recovery wasn't fun but I have no limitations now other than I do get sore in that knee after packing a long ways. I did give up distance running,. basketball, softball at the advice of my doc to stave off arthritis as long as possible, but I can hunt and backpack without limitations.

It may take awhile but you will get back to where you want to be.
Good time of year to do it.

I've had 5 knee surgeries. 3 meniscus repairs, sn osteotomy (highly recommended no on this one,) and a total replacement

Post replacement I am pain free, totally. Can hike, snowshoe, golf, fish, ride bikes, all pain free. Surgeon told me to give up my beach volleyball career 😃
Get after that pt with the aggressiveness of the neighborhood chihuahua. We're pulling for you.

Will you still be allowed to hunt wilderness?🙂
How long before we are discussing the ethical advantages of bionic people hunting.
Interesting 🧐… As a bionic man/cybernetic organism my badassery has exponentially grown at a rate slightly equivalent to current inflation… don’t hate the player gentlemen. Hate the game.


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