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Being a new member I have no idea what in tarnation who y'all are lookin for or talkin about I've read this thread and I am totally lost.

With that said Hunt Talk Man appears to be a superhero deity type that ran amok causing full blown, good ole fashioned, chaotic, moderators we don't need no stinking moderators, fun.

What I find most disturbing, especially given the amount of knowledge on this site, ( I mean c'mon y'all the combined IQ of us all definitely ,hands down, gets us to the high double digits no questions asked) why has no one developed a signal to shine high into the sky alerting Hunt Talk Man that he is needed. I think it's a law that superheroes come if the sky is emblazoned with a signal of some sort.We can keep it simple. Use the initials HTM. If y'all think that this is to much given the catchphrase "show me that butthole" (still giggling over that one) we can use a starfish...

If this post gets me removed (should this happen I will miss you all dearly) or placed in Hunt Talk Jail I say only this, "Help me Hunt Talk Man your my only hope!!"

I look forward to being ridiculed for my lack of Hunt Talk Man knowledge.
Being a new member I have no idea what in tarnation who y'all are lookin for or talkin about I've read this thread and I am totally lost.

With that said Hunt Talk Man appears to be a superhero deity type that ran amok causing full blown, good ole fashioned, chaotic, moderators we don't need no stinking moderators, fun.

What I find most disturbing, especially given the amount of knowledge on this site, ( I mean c'mon y'all the combined IQ of us all definitely ,hands down, gets us to the high double digits no questions asked) why has no one developed a signal to shine high into the sky alerting Hunt Talk Man that he is needed. I think it's a law that superheroes come if the sky is emblazoned with a signal of some sort.We can keep it simple. Use the initials HTM. If y'all think that this is to much given the catchphrase "show me that butthole" (still giggling over that one) we can use a starfish...

If this post gets me removed (should this happen I will miss you all dearly) or placed in Hunt Talk Jail I say only this, "Help me Hunt Talk Man your my only hope!!"

I look forward to being ridiculed for my lack of Hunt Talk Man knowledge.
Huntalkman...Is this your alter ego????
What I find most disturbing, especially given the amount of knowledge on this site, ( I mean c'mon y'all the combined IQ of us all definitely ,hands down, gets us to the high double digits no questions asked) why has no one developed a signal to shine high into the sky alerting Hunt Talk Man that he is needed. I think it's a law that superheroes come if the sky is emblazoned with a signal of some sort.We can keep it simple. Use the initials HTM.
He’s still out there, watching over us. To quote Commissioner Gordon, “He’s the hero Gotham (Hunt Talk) deserves, but not the one it needs right now. He’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A DARK FUGGIN KNIGHT!!!!”

Screen shot from a few days ago:

Huntalkman...Is this your alter ego????
Alas, I am afraid I am not the Hunt Talk Man you are looking for (second star wars reference that's right y'all BAZINGA)
I would love to put everyone's mind at ease, however, that would be a gross, slanderous, and injustice, to the great name of Hunt Talk Man to even think about what appears to be a claim for fame.

Honestly I think Hunt Talk Man is that Seether guy. He seems a lil too put together very very Bruce Wayneish.
I was doing some interwebs machine perusing and I'm fairly confident if we find a light that will provide the appropriate candle power to emblazon the sky with whatever logo we decide to go with, and will not cause airplanes, UFOS, Subarus, or any aviational type device to make an abrupt unscheduled landing And we input promo code RANDY we may receive a discount of some sort. If not a discount maybe a sticker and who doesn't love stickers.
He’s still out there, watching over us. To quote Commissioner Gordon, “He’s the hero Gotham (Hunt Talk) deserves, but not the one it needs right now. He’s a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A DARK FUGGIN KNIGHT!!!!”

Screen shot from a few days ago:

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Will you look at that reaction score to message ratio!
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