Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever


Oak said:
Are you two planning a trip to Kodiak? Whatcha hunting?

No, I'm not Planning Chit, IB called me yesterday and Said we're going. There was a Cancelation hunt with some Deposits paid. I looked over my schedule...

Sept 1-9 Sheep hunting.

Sept 17-23 Grizz hunting in AK. (pending on Phone call after the sheep hunt)

Oct 10th - 14th Idaho Mulie. (YAH, and weekends or after work;) )

Oct 26- Oct 31 Utah Deer

Nov 1st - Nov 7th Idaho Elk

Nov 16th - Nov 20th Idaho Whitetail.

I figured, HEY, I'm only gonig to AK once this year why not make it 2 times ;) Nov 12-18th it is. Looks like I will have a chance on Adding 300 more points to my Fantasy hunt this year.......I will have to fly straight back and drive to Northern Idaho to hunt Whitetails. Dam I'm feeling busy already :p

OHHH I'm a Fall Soccer coach too. Sept-Oct. I hope I have good assistant coaches :p

I tell you what, BUZZ would be proud. My schedule this year would kill the average man ;)
Thanks to Buglelk, he hooked us up big time, we are headed to hunt blacktail with homer ocean adventures. My first experience in Alaska, I freakin can't wait. I'll be hitting up a bunch of people real soon about equipment, alaska sites, do's and dont's in Alaska, tipping and others I'm sure I'll think of later. Who are you headed up with Oak?
We're flying out of Kodiak with Andrew Airways and backpacking from the dropoff point. We'll be picked up at a different location a few miles away 5 days later if we make it there. ;) It's definately a DIY hunt. We just told them where we wanted to be dropped off and picked up.

That sounds like a great trip Oak. I hope to do that someday. Good luck to you!
We're jsut going on Day hunts and Sleeping on a Boat I hear... but I'm in the dark on this trip, I'm jsut gonig because IB needs someone to protect him from the bears I guess ;)
Papa Moose said:
I'm jsut gonig because IB needs someone to protect him from the bears I guess ;)

Damn straight. I'm thinking I can run faster then Moosie so he should be eatin' first.;)
I think there are a few ducks, but if the weather works in your favor you may have a shot rare and elusive coot. Keep you eyes pealed, they make a great mount.
IdahoBugler said:
Who are you headed up with Oak?

I realize now that you probably meant who's hunting with me? Buzz's/my friend Doug is going along. Buzz took the gravy train hunt like you guys and is going by boat.;)

Moosie, although bagging the rare and elusive coot would be awesome, you will probably have a chance at some plain Jane ducks like harlequin, long-tailed, and eiders too.
Well its a 4 beer minimum to come through and 3 per day for each day your weathered in Kodiak. Payable to me of course... hump
No coot but you shouldn't have any problem getting a few harleys, oldsquaw, and all 3 scoters. Eiders are a little scarce and the few that do show up come in mid December.
Hey Miller, your taxes are past due. I know you owe me at least 10 beers for you trip up here last fall. I'm collecting interest at 2 beers a year so your at a 12 pack now.
BTW I got you longtail right here.... :D

I hope to get back up there to pay my dues. Thinking about applying for goat in 2007. Better make up my mind before December.

Sweet longtail, but your dog is the wrong color. ahaha......

You certainly have it made up there. Me jealous.:D
Here's the one that drives Oscar crazy. ;)


Lots of big goats on the island. What area you thinking of hunting them in?
you may have a shot rare and elusive coot

I already have 2 intomy taxidermist. I'm probably gonig to be the Only person in Idaho with a Pair of Koots mounted. I might even be the only one in the world :D I have a Grand'eo visionfor a koot mount were one is running across the water and the other one just taking off.

I got your Beers sir, You going to meet us in Kodiak when we fly in ? I'll be the One in the TEAM HUNTTALK apperal :D

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