Nut killed a baby

The Viperess

New member
May 27, 2001
Nut is a baby deer killer. On top of it he used a crossbow. :rolleyes: He shot it Saturday evening at around 7pm. Had to wait until this morning to find it. I had to find it for him because he is a lousy tracker. ;)
It was a yearling doe that he got. But all I am thinking is that we will be having some great tasting venison this week. :D

Pics to come later
and last but not least,
Provider of tender young venison!

Good on ya Nut..

Thanks all.

We went down to lease after I worked Saturday morning. Got there around 3:30. Then after we set up camp I was changing clothes to go hunting. Soembody showed up at camp and I ended up chatting with them for awhile. So at 5 we got out. I knew where I wanted to be if the wind was right since I hunt off the ground. Well the wind was right. I set up on the other side of brushpile where TurkeyEye had his miss. As I was getting in I spooked a deer or two that was bedded down in the area I was going to hunt. Oh well doesnt pay to chat I guess. But in want I have learned in the area is that the deer will come back after being spooked. So I got ready. After around 1 1/2 hours my butt was getting sore from the ground. So I was going to get up and get next to a tree where I was going to stand up until shooting time ended. After I got my vest on I caught movement amongst the trees about 50 yards away. I could tell that it was a deer by it;s outline. I got down to one knee and got ready. I kept watching for about 5 minutes and nothing was happening. Then as if by magic there was a deer at 20 yards away starting to feed on the white oak acorns. It had no clue that I was there!

I watched and watched it. That was fun for sure. Saw that it was a doe and not a extremely large one either. But decided that I would take it if presented with a shot.( No venison at home in the freezer). So it finally gave me the shot I wanted. I brought the crossbow up slowly and looked thru the scope. Lined it up and then made sure it would be a clear shot. I squeezed the trigger and twang. I brought the crossbow down and didnt see a deer.... Then I saw the orange fletchings of the arrow pointing upward from the ground moving. :eek: I then pumped my arm up and down. and said "Yeah" in my best whispering yell. ;) Well then the deer got up. I then saw that the arrow had missed the lungs and was near the hindquarters. :confused: (I hadnt missed a target while practicing with the crossbow by more than a couple of inches since I have had it.) The deer then moved off down a trail about 25 yards farther away from me. I attempted to get closer to it to put a second arrow in her. :( Well she then moved farther away from with my movement. I decided to try and just watch her. But she still got up again. I watched her until I couldnt tell where she was. I decided to just back out and wait until morning. Met up with Vipe and told her all about it and then she told me about her getting the chit scared out of her. She had a doe that came up to her from behind and breathed on her neck while Vipe was watching the grey squirrels do their thing. :D (Leave it to Vipe to have a Lesbian Doe sniff her out ;) )

Well I was sick all night long trying to figure out everything. Wanted to go looking for the doe. But waited til morning.

Vipe and I went in the morning and there was no bloodtrail to find. But then Vipe saw the doe on the ground about 30 yards away from last place I saw her. (I also found the arrow that TurkeyEye had shot.His was a clean miss for sure) She was stiff so I knew she was dead for at least 6-8 hours. So we bagged and tagged her and went to check station. While we was there we saw the pics of the BIG bucks that are in the area. WOW. There was a 19 pointer with a 26" inside spread taken from the area a couple days earlier.

Got back to camp and I went turkey hunting til noon. Got to within 50 yards of a bird but no go on it. Spooked another deer while chasing the turkey.

Pics of it will be up tomorrow I hope.
Way to go, Nut! That doe will taste a lot better than the 19 pointer! ;)

Pretty neat, you got venison! And with a crossbow, whew! Congratulations! Sounds like Vipe needs one of those double arrow bows with a rear view mirror on it. Its an idea, but I don't know how it works.
WooooooooooooHoooooooooo way to go nut.
That is soooooo cool.
Great picture.
What a long night that must of been waitng to see find your deer.
Good going.
Sure would of liked to have a camera on Vip when that deer sneaked up behind her LOL
I wonder who jumped the highest.
That would of had me spooked.
Way to go on the deer. :cool: :cool: :cool:
I also would have loved to been there when Vipe got sniffed! :D :eek:

Thanks all.

You know it might not be a BIG one but I am proud of the fact that I figured this one out for myself. I did the leg work in finding the spot to hunt there at the lease. Knowing that the deer will feed there.Played the wind correctly and actually have it work. Just knowing that the doe had no clue that I was there. I was still enough and the set up wasnt noticeable. It is tuff on the ground but not impossible. Now I hope to plan correctly for Vipe and the boys for them to get one. I fudged up TE's shot because I gave him the wrong yardage. I am working harder at estimating yardage now. :(
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