Now this is gross.

Moosie you and I have both been accused of posting tasteless photos (your muley beasty photo comes to mind), but it's usually in an attempt at humor. The photos in this link are just plain old nasty.
Only an inbred moran dumb fukkin arkie would brag about gut shooting an animal. Fuggin piece of trash.
watch out there rufus. Mountain boomer and I may resemble your remark, but I don't like the pictures either. Since when is kansylvannia the cosmopolitan center of the universe?
I know bad shots happen but the idiots just gave anyone who is anti hunting ammunition to say all hunters are blood thirsty.

It is one thing to do something like that but to post it on a public forum and brag is the height of stupidity. I hope the moderators will take it down.

Originally posted by ARCAT:
watch out there rufus. Mountain boomer and I may resemble your remark, but I don't like the pictures either. Since when is kansylvannia the cosmopolitan center of the universe?
It's not-but clinton doesn't come from here!
the sheep was not gut shot, the bullet entered the front brisket on a quartering towards shot angle, took out the heart/lungs, and exited the stomach/rib cage. I was not there, but I assume the bullet clipped a rib on exit and it slit the skin, spilling the contents...
BLING BLING, You know we love ya man !!!! But it was a Bit tasteless, But like I posted, I've been known to post a Tasteless thing or two so I can't talk.

Other then that it's a Fuggin AWESOME ram. One day when I'm rich and powerfull I'll go shoot me one.... :D :D
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