Novice Season?!


Well-known member
Jul 27, 2016
There may be other states that have done this, but Vermont is the first I'm aware of. Not sure how I feel about this... Brilliant idea, or dumb, youth-season mess-up?

A lot of states have added youth, mentored, novice, apprentice type licenses and have allowed those hunters to go out on a special "season" usually one weekend prior to the start of other hunting seasons. It is all targeted at hunter recruitment and the idea that if a new hunter has a more successful first hunt then they are mnore likely to be retained. It could be argued that those hunters are being set up for disappointment in future seasons once they have to compete with the general population, but even if it works just a little bit, then why not try it. We need more hunters.
A lot of states have added youth, mentored, novice, apprentice type licenses and have allowed those hunters to go out on a special "season" usually one weekend prior to the start of other hunting seasons. It is all targeted at hunter recruitment and the idea that if a new hunter has a more successful first hunt then they are mnore likely to be retained. It could be argued that those hunters are being set up for disappointment in future seasons once they have to compete with the general population, but even if it works just a little bit, then why not try it. We need more hunters.
Yeah, I've heard of youth seasons, mentored licenses, etc. but I've never heard of a separate season for first-time adult hunters. My initial gut reaction was negative, but the more I think about it, the way it's been set up, it's probably a worthwhile experiment.