
Nothing like 6 foot blondes...

Daniel in Ak

New member
Mar 22, 2004
In case ya'll heard about all the fires here in Alaska,this is what we ran into driving towards Chicken for our Caribou hunt.

Well that was Monday the August 23rd.About 4:30 pm we made it to our camp site near Chicken,cleared an area, set up camp and about 5:30 we (my brother and best friend that I had fly up from Arizona) decided to check out the trail to see where we wanted to be in the morning and check the driving time.So we loaded up the quads and off we went.
About 7:30 when we hit the high country I spotted a little bull and talk about a couple of pumped up fellas,whew! it was all I could do to curb there chain's they way they where chompin' at the bit to shoot him.
I talked them out of it and decided to head to the next ridge to glass for them while they loaded up the rifles,and I spotted a cow and calf down the hill after I left them right in a saddle.Well the cow takes off a runnin' and then I spot a grizz about the time she did,and the grizz stands up and lights out after the cow,but the cow did a mad dash for the next mountain,while the grizz headed back to where she came from and I light out after a grizz tearin up the tundra while trying to load and keep my eye on this tree for a reference,but I didnt know she was 40 yards this side of it,so when I get close to the tree I check my gun and relize Im not on high ground,so up I head to look down on her.
Fellas let me tell ya when I got 50 yards from the tree I was watching I stop to look for her,mind you my left shoulder is on the down hill side and damn If she wasnt at my 9 o'clock standing up looking at me.
Bout the time throw down on her she hits the ground coming at me.One shot in the head later I had a Grizz at 80 yards in the brush....oh! man! where's my brother and best friend? There up the mountain glassing the other side thinking Im circling Caribou back towards them.After we hook-up I' tell them what happened and down we go,and this is what I found.

A 6 foot Blonde

And here I am with my Blondie!And first Grizzlie,Last thing I expected to see while looking for caribou.Notice the top of the ridge? Well that 400 yards up hill,and what a dad-gum steep hill.Couldnt get the wheelers down there.

Here I am trying to hold her head up for a pic,sorry about the blood but as you can see there is one hole in her head by her right eye.
As she was coming at me I remember looking at her shoulder and figured I'd hit her there or in the headand I just got her in the head above her eye,but it blew out the back of her brain and went into her body,no exit wound.Damn lucky shot If you ask me.

This is Daryl sitting down trying hold her in place while I try and skin her.Dang hill was steep and every time we tried rolling her or moving her she wanted to down hill.And all we had was about 20 yards of ground left before she would have went allllllllllllllll! the way down the mountain.

Still fighting trying to keep her in place,while Im working on her paw.

Are you sure it's a 6 footer Daniel? Hmmm! Well Im 5'9 and a 1/2.What do ya'll think?Oh! and get ready for part two to the Caribou hunt.Coming soon.
And I thought I was going to have to move this to the Adult section ;)

AWESOME color on the bear. 400 YArds Uphill then 4-wheelers ?!?!! HELL, And I thought our 2,500' climbs were rough ;)

Congrants brother !!!! What I like most is the smile you show !!
charging blonde bear equals brunette shorts--

that's a job well done on a charging bear--mega kudos and what a hide--beautiful--chris
Thanks alot fellas,It's just as fun sharing pictures as looking at them.And hey Moosieforget that 2500' mega climbs.My Bou hunt went better(story and pic's later bud) but I parked my wheeler right ontop of him and only had to lift him oh!...........four foot off the ground to the rack on the quad ;) Hahahahahaaha! Now that's huntin' Daniel

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