Yeti GOBOX Collection

Not prepared?

Good glass is worth its weight in gold, let the eyes do the walking

Not quite legal

Hmmmm........looks legal
My hunt would have been a gut wrenching failure had it not been for Wyodeerhunter (Banned) and AKDrifter. I'll save that story for another thread.

We slipped in under the cover of darkness and nearly ninja'd this ram. Waited for darkness to settle in and the moon to rise and made an attack. We got as close as we dared 1/2 mile or so, and "camped out" for about 3 hours in a rockslide. One of the neatest stalks to date. We just couldn't make him legal, or maybe we didn't want to? This was a dead ram if we could have put enough horn on him. A squeeker was tough to take on opening morning


Sometimes you have to protect your valuables from a second wolverine siege...


pretty sure this is where my nose started to bleed.
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Look forward to the story Bambi I trust there were no "tent pops" this time around. :)
Dinkshooter, you know how to get ahold of wyodeerhunter???He was going to give me some helpon a moose trip in 40 mile country.Wish he was still on here,but the boss's decision is final.He was a wealth of knowledge and good guy
I know what you guys mean by not being prepared.I just got back from blacktail hunting on Prince of Wales.Thought it would be easy;deer hunt right haha.No one told me hunting them was more like elk hunting up in the alpine.Me and Nickster almost died climbing 40 miles in the week we were there.won't make a mistake like that again
Awesome pictures of your hunt and congrats!!!!!

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