Kenetrek Boots

Not a Game Law issue, but I'm interested in WA HTer's opinion of this new WA proposed gun law bill HB 1504.

Please let the answer not be, "I'm moving to Idaho."

Jesus...hard to feel bad for that state when they keep electing those morons and their bulls**t policies. Washington, Oregon, California etc. should be their own country.
Kirk is a clown and I would hope he leaves the state. But he points out the problems in the law 1) it de facto creates a firearm ownership database (might not totally against the law because it would be a WA state database not federal) and 2) the monetary requirement might be considered a de facto prohibition on ownership and violation of 2A.

His commentary ignores the fact that most citizens wouldn't even obtain it, much less be so up in arms they leave the state. This is the first I have heard of it and had you not posted it I wouldn't have known and wouldn't have cared. The gun manufacturers and the NRA can take up this fight and I suspect they have a solid case. There are bigger fights.
Jesus...hard to feel bad for that state when they keep electing those morons and their bulls**t policies. Washington, Oregon, California etc. should be their own country.
Hmm...kind of like the people that keep electing those moron politicians who repeatedly try to pass legislation to take away our public lands?:unsure:
Please let the answer not be, "I'm moving to Idaho."

I'll never leave WA, I love it too much. I can climb real mountains on real glaciers, salmon fish and dig clams on the beach. I have some of the best chukar hunting in the US, great food and access to high quality groceries, excellent schooling and phenomenal pay. There are too many benefits no matter what anti gun legislation is passed. That's sorta of the reality for people in the minority political group in any State, you can love a state, a geographic place on this planet and not agree politically with the majority of your neighbors. The last thing we should do is flee into the echo chamber instead of learning to work with our neighbors and fight for the things we care about.
Please let the answer not be, "I'm moving to Idaho."

I think the point of the legislation is directed at FFL dealers. It is in response to a series of burglaries of gun shops across the state. I can speak to other states, so if you see the same thing then “you do you”, but I actually am open to the premise of the legislation. We no longer live in a world where a shop can just lock its doors and close up at night and have some reasonable certainly that the place won’t be broken into. If you sell guns, I think you should have a higher degree of security, or more insurance. That said, I don’t know if this legislation is the proper solution. But it’s a starting point for discussion. If it gets voted in, for those that don’t like it they can move. That is freedom. I suggest moving to Montana so they can shoot mulie forkies for cheap every year. ;)
Wait, you are blaming other people for you being uninformed?
Not at all, just don't know what he's referencing? I know you guys are probably pissed at our new administration, but I'm just trying to get specifics. It's like pulling fu**ing teeth on here.
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