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Nosler brass question


Active member
May 28, 2018
Anyone know the difference between Nosler brass (black box) and Nosler Custom brass (red box)?
Thanks in advance.
The "custom" brass is sorted by weight, chamfered, debur flash holes, etc......
It is completely prepped and ready to load as is.
Competition reloading short cut for foundation of consistent ammo.
Unless you plan on loading up for a serious rifle shoot, or perfect as possible ammo for those tight 700yrd + groups, it's not likely a noticeable difference.
Especially if you buy at least 100 pieces of brass and sort and prep them properly yourself.
Most don't sort brass to all weigh the same. And if it is weighed, it really only needs to be within around 8-12gr. of each other to be close enough.
I sort mine only for my magnums. But I don't ditch any brass because of weight. I just put it into lots of at least 10 rounds, that are within 7 grains of each other.
Any odd brass I save for load work up to find max for any particular bullet and powder combo.
Thanks for the info. I suspected that was what they were doing but i wanted to see if there was anything else. Incidentally the black box brass has chamferred flash holes and case mouths, so maybe the only difference is weight sorting.
The Red box Nosler custom brass is the old packaging. All new production Nosler brass comes in the black box and is the same fully prepped and weight sorted brass.
The "custom" brass is sorted by weight, chamfered, debur flash holes, etc......
It is completely prepped and ready to load as is.
Competition reloading short cut for foundation of consistent ammo.
Unless you plan on loading up for a serious rifle shoot, or perfect as possible ammo for those tight 700yrd + groups, it's not likely a noticeable difference.
Especially if you buy at least 100 pieces of brass and sort and prep them properly yourself.
Most don't sort brass to all weigh the same. And if it is weighed, it really only needs to be within around 8-12gr. of each other to be close enough.
8-12 grains??? Holy Cow! I bought black box prepped Nosler brass during a spring sale. I weighed 25 random cases today, all within 1.5gr.
Cabelas has them on sale now for 20% off!
300 win mag
Winchester brass that is within only around 8 grains average weight of each other
Produces consistent less than 1/2" groups at the hundred.
Powder and bullet seating depth are much more important than case weight average.
Case capacity is more accurately measured with water fill weight any how. But it's close enough for most comparisons to powder capacity.
Certainly nothing wrong with being as consistent as possible from the ground up when reloading.
If it gives you piece of mind , then I'm all for it.
But it isn't a super big deal for all to be within a couple grains of each other. Tight groups can still be had at reasonable distance.
I sure like accurate ammo for all types of shooting.
Sometimes brass is pretty out of spec though. It doesn't hurt to give it a go over when you get new brass.

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