Nosler Accubond availability????

I shoot 2 different 300 yard bench rest events each week and am well aware of component availability issues. I, like all others, have struggled with locating primers, powders and bullets.

However, I HAVE been able to locate them, eventually (even from gougers on Gunbroker)! EXCEPT Nosler bullets. Anyone have any info on whats going on there??? Specifically, I'm looking for 7mm 160 grain Accubonds. I have searched online at too many places to reiterate without success as other stuff is seeming to become more available. What gives??
No one I know has seen any Nosler 30-06 ammo. Not one of the regular online sellers. No one who is in Alb., SF.
Western Drug in Springerville, AZ has not ,in 2 years.
Nosler is always out of stock and they send me emails about odd rounds and bullets, brass.
And at this rate I might have to try and find my own source for -06 bullets primers and powder for the hundreds of cases I Oh yeah, you can find a few of each maybe.

I would really like to know where all the ammo and parts are going. Not Brownells, Cabellas, Sportsmans, the company, has had any in stock for more than a day.
My old reloader buddy had a way to find batches of the same day batch powder to match factory ammo that shot the best in my 700.
He must be rolling in his grave.
No one I know has seen any Nosler 30-06 ammo. Not one of the regular online sellers. No one who is in Alb., SF.
Western Drug in Springerville, AZ has not ,in 2 years.
Nosler is always out of stock and they send me emails about odd rounds and bullets, brass.
Same here. It has been over two years since I have been able to buy Nosler 30-06 ammunition. Very Frustrating.
Id like to hear others thoughts on the conspiracy theories of whats going on with the ammo out there.....
Id like to hear others thoughts on the conspiracy theories of whats going on with the ammo out there.....
I wouldn’t. It’s not that hard to figure it out. Every company is making more ammo than ever before. People are worried about not finding it, so when they do, they buy more than they usually would and overpay for it. Supply is up, but demand is still way up!
7mm 140 AB's...a few old style SB's as as well.


7mm 160 AB's and a box of SB:


I stock up when the gettin's good, it ain't like they spoil.
Where do you live and what time are you normally not home? Asking for a friend:)
I wouldn’t. It’s not that hard to figure it out. Every company is making more ammo than ever before. People are worried about not finding it, so when they do, they buy more than they usually would and overpay for it. Supply is up, but demand is still way up!
So the companies just sell to horders and not dealers? I know of no stores nor online sellers that have any supply of ammo.
They get half dozen boxes and that's it?
Nosler makes the parts and ammo and none to be found at stores.
So the companies just sell to horders and not dealers? I know of no stores nor online sellers that have any supply of ammo.
They get half dozen boxes and that's it?
Nosler makes the parts and ammo and none to be found at stores.
They sell to retailers and some web orders. They try to allocate it.

A lot of the retailers have been taking lists from customers, or more "on the downlow," the dudes in the gun/ammo department tell their buddies when the shipments come in. End result is that when retailers get their shipments, they are gone in minutes, often due to "friends of friends" getting advance notice.

These retailers get large shipments, not just a half dozen boxes. I was there in March and saw how much of ammo and components were coming off the lines. It was crazy to see that much. And the orders being sent were pallets of product, not small boxes. They do have an allocation that goes to smaller gun stores that was also getting filled. The pallet in the pic below was one of many pallets going to a large retailer that day.


Say they were doing a run of 7mm Rem Mag and they produced 20,000 rounds on that run. A large portion would go to the big retailers who are their largest customers, say Cabela's, Midway, Bass Pro, SW, etc. Then a smaller portion was moved to the next bins for filling orders from smaller gun shops. The last of it would be allocated to online orders, where once they had 200 boxes available, they would notify customers that it was in stock, usually selling out immediately on their website.

So to answer your question, they don't sell to hoarders. They sell to their customers, both retailers, distributor groups, and direct sales. The fact that none of it can be found at stores is a function of demand far outstripping supply, and how some of the retailers have their own ways of letting people know when it is in stock.

I was in Bob Ward's at Bozeman the other morning. I was surprised how much fresh Nosler ammo and components were on the shelf. Not sure how long it lasted, but it was the most I had seen in a couple years.
I have seen exactly one box of accubond bullets in two years on the shelf. That was .338 bullets in a VA Cabelas store and they sit there a few weeks on the shelf. Hornady and Barnes have been available off and on through most of this as far as reloading components go. I have switched to Barnes at this point for my 7mm08 rounds. Still shooting up some 168 grain accubonds I load for my 7mms stw. I was really hoping things would be available once again by this fall. I'd really love to load 140 accubonds in that 08.
Just found ABLR 175g 7mm yesterday. First I'd found in a year. They were blems but I'm happy to have em.
They sell to retailers and some web orders. They try to allocate it.

A lot of the retailers have been taking lists from customers, or more "on the downlow," the dudes in the gun/ammo department tell their buddies when the shipments come in. End result is that when retailers get their shipments, they are gone in minutes, often due to "friends of friends" getting advance notice.

These retailers get large shipments, not just a half dozen boxes. I was there in March and saw how much of ammo and components were coming off the lines. It was crazy to see that much. And the orders being sent were pallets of product, not small boxes. They do have an allocation that goes to smaller gun stores that was also getting filled. The pallet in the pic below was one of many pallets going to a large retailer that day.

View attachment 228340

Say they were doing a run of 7mm Rem Mag and they produced 20,000 rounds on that run. A large portion would go to the big retailers who are their largest customers, say Cabela's, Midway, Bass Pro, SW, etc. Then a smaller portion was moved to the next bins for filling orders from smaller gun shops. The last of it would be allocated to online orders, where once they had 200 boxes available, they would notify customers that it was in stock, usually selling out immediately on their website.

So to answer your question, they don't sell to hoarders. They sell to their customers, both retailers, distributor groups, and direct sales. The fact that none of it can be found at stores is a function of demand far outstripping supply, and how some of the retailers have their own ways of letting people know when it is in stock.

I was in Bob Ward's at Bozeman the other morning. I was surprised how much fresh Nosler ammo and components were on the shelf. Not sure how long it lasted, but it was the most I had seen in a couple years.
Too many people. I don't camp at stores.
Thanks BF. Time for plan b.
Im pretty sure I saw some 180gr 308 Accubonds at the Scheels in Dallas a few weeks ago
I'd been searching for the .30 cal 200 gr ABs for a while, got frustrated and emailed Nosler in the off chance they'd tell me when they were doing a run of them. Sure enough, told me about when they expected to make some and to set up an alert.
Did you end up finding any? A local shop here in Fort Collins had a bunch last week. I believe there were around 50$ a box
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