
Nosler ABLR vs Hornady ELDx vs Federal Terminal Ascent reviews/experience?


Active member
Feb 21, 2016
Hey all, as it seems to be the worst time to start the reloading process... I am doing research and filling up my carts for equipment. I am just not going to pull the trigger until I have the components I want at home. So while there are no powder and primers available I have been entertaining a new elk round. I currently shoot a 200gr AB from my 300 win mag. Choice ammo loads this for me. My 26" barrel with 1-10" twist pushes those at 2940fps. I think maybe a little too hot for sub moa accuracy but better than any factory Ive found. I am currently looking at Nosler ABLR 190 or 210 grain vs 200g ELD-X vs Federal 200g TA. Ive read good things about each but also have read that a good amount of people have had accuracy issues with the ABLR and Federals? I like the idea of being a little flatter with the 190 but also see the 210 winning at my longer ranges >500 yds over that terminally. Seems like ELD-X has been a good round... maybe just need to find the right powder? It has been tough the ignore the reviews on those new Federals?? Any help with bullets experience along with powder for the 300 win mag would be appreciated.
Thank you
IMO ELD-X is a good round for the range but I will never shoot them again hunting. I think they lack terminal performance upon impact. I had bad experiences with them multiple times a few years ago on deer and elk. I switched to Barnes and have yet to take an animal that required more than one shot.
I’ve only taken a few animals with the ELD-X (one elk a few years ago and one deer this fall) but in both scenarios the bullet performed exactly has advertised.... excellent penetration and good weight retention. I have also had good performance on the range out to 1000 yards. I actually recovered the bullet from the backside of the hide on the elk and was very impressed how well it held together. That being said, both cases were double lung shots behind the shoulder at under 200 yards.... not sure how the bullet would hold up if it hit shoulder blade or any major bone structure.

Ive never loaded the ABLR but have been tempted too a few times to compare to the ELD X and Berger VLD for range performance. I’m interested to hear some performance reports on game to see if it’s worth working a load up for them.

If in doubt on which bullet to select for big game, go Partition.... just don’t mistake them for Ballistic Tips!

Good luck!!
Honestly you cant beat he 200 ab for performance at reasonable ranges, past that go berger and up the weight 215/230s.
I've shot the ABLR & ELDX.
My pick is the ABLR of those 2.
Nothing wrong with the regular AccuBond if your gun likes them.
I also shoot and like the Ballistic Tip. Much tougher of a bullet than most people give them credit for.

And I'm not sure where you heard about poor accuracy with the ABLR. They have proven to be exceptionally accurate out to 600 yards for me.

With a fast twist & pushing them fast, the ELDX has had issues.
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