North American 29 grand slam.


New member
Jan 22, 2001
San Antonio, Texas, USA
Ever heard of it? It one of many Safari Club International grand slams. minimum of 29 animals including 3 sheep from recognized north American habitat out of

jaguar, cougar, Alaskan brown bear, grizzly bear, polar bear, American black bear, gray wolf, American bison, muskox, American mountain goat, dall sheep, stone sheep, rky mtn or Ca bighorn sheep, desert bighorn sheep, pronghorn, rky mtn elk, Roosevelt elk, Alaska-Yukon moose, western Canada moose, eastern Canada moose, shiras moose, Alaska-Yukon b.g.caribou, centra Canada b.g.caribou, arctic islands caribou, mountain caribou, rky mtn mule deer, desert mule deer, Columbia black-tailed deer, sitka black-tailed deer, whitetailed deer, coues whitetailed deer. Or just 15 of them if done with a bow.

That's one of their grand slam awards. The first Pinnacle of Achievement Award takes 6 (SIX) of the 35 grand slams (above is listed one) and/or inner cirle awards. Its major hunting no doubt, these awards. What do you think?
I know it's a pipedream, but a dream of mine is to harvest each of the big game species in North America. Remember the dreaming part is free!!! I've gotten one of the 29!!:D
yOu forgot Black Lab. they have a entire catagorie in sci for "urban Trophies". Ive bot my eye on a "Booner" near weekend Warriors house.

I really like SCI catagories that let you kill and enter NOn indigenous elk. Pretty cool. They should call it the Fattest Wallet record boook.
You got to have money and you've got to have time to hunt to get a bunch of those animals, which means you've got to have money. That's one of 35 grand slams they recognize.

Some others are
Africa Big Five, Dangerous Game of Africa, Africa 29, Cats of the World, Bears of the World, North American Wild Sheep, North American Elk, North American Caribou, North American Deer, Whitetail Deer of the World, European Deer, Moose of the World, then they have inner circles for all that stuff. They go from copper, bronze, silver, gold, and then diamond. A diamond inner circle on African animals takes 76 animals with rifle and 38 with bow. Copper level starts at 17 for rifle and 5 for bow.

It takes time and money, lots of money.
and here I thought it was about your scoring success with the opposite sex during a one month time frame :D :D .....chris

I think the idea behind SCI records was totally innocent. It's the just that some hunters have a big enough wallet that ranchers have become GAME WHORES to the point of (buy it by the inch kind of like the gold chains in the mall)
Have you seen the ads for a Book whitetail?

Personally, It is my intention to kill 2 of the BIG FIVE as soon as I can afford to return to Africa. I currently do not intend to enter any of my my dead stuff into the SCI book, but I am a member and the Mag they put out is simply top shelf. And hell, I may change my mind at some point and enter them all. The slams are a cool idea, but the various scores/medals seem to kind of cheapen it for me. Anyway, most hunters never get outside thier little box and see whats in the rest of the country/world.
I intend to take a whitetail that will meet the minium for P&Y in my home state of Bama.
Not easily done outside of a fence!
and I would prefer it if you guys don't tell my wife that the 21 day hunt for Leopard and a Cape buffalo is gonna be pretty pricey! specially if a big ole black mained Tanzanian
Lion walks into one of my bullets

Maybe it should read
African big five = $100,000 (plus taxidermy)

North American 29= $175,000 (Plus taxidermy)
(a desert sheep is like a 40K hunt in Mexico)

Hey....... why does the last one always cost?the most? Like a bongo or Elephant.

If I was in the Big Fat Wallet Club, I would travel world wide and Kill all this stuff too! Would'nt you?

:D :D
Yes JB, I would!! But I'm not, so I have to settle for the Lolo Slam, which includes at least two biker chics from KT's Hayloft and one Piece of Trailer Trash from Sunny Acres.
My dream hunt would be to hunt every huntable criter in the world. A guy I know guided the son of a Saudi sheek, whose job it was to do just that. They wanted to have all the taxidermy for their palace back home. I've seen Saudi people at the YO Ranch, staying in their RVs instead of the lodge. Eating a $5000 red sheep every day over their own barbeque, instead of eating at the cowboy chuckwagon the YO Ranch has for everybody. Its a different world, with lots of money, for those people. The slams are neat, kind of like super bowl rings, or NBA championships. Hunting needs more stuff like that probably, I think.