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Non-resident outfitter license (MT) Bill is up for hearing 2/2/2021 (SB 143)

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May be right? ?? 😂

I’ve been outfitting for 30 years and can tell you that it’s for a fact. Hunt clubs/absentee landowners and owners using “leased out” instead of telling people no, saving it for myself and family make up way more acres than we are leasing. We just make soft target for the opposition.
I was thinking more about hunt clubs/out of state owners pushing outfitters out of business. The may be is mostly that I am not sure of the time it will take. I have seen landowner just say leased out when they are not. Have not done it myself the the idea has sure crossed my mind.
You don’t understand the business.
Inability to secure license costs business. Hunters look to states with consistent licensure. Every other year is not an attractive option to most clientele. I can make it work, but certainly don’t like the rotation of clients.

Exactly the excuse CO outfitters gave when they tried to get NR allocation switched to 50/50 for draw units. :rolleyes:
MOGA probably wouldn’t need set aside tags if we didn’t hunt deer for 4 weeks of the rut and elk for most of the year.

I feel their pain. Tough sell for the opportunity to shoot a 140” 3 year old buck.
It is tough to sell a public land mule deer hunt, or in the case of western Mt's outfitters on public lands it's an armed horseback ride they are selling.
50-50? NR and R?? equal? in draw numbers? never would I vote or ask for that.
In CO there is no outfitter quota, everyone has to get a tag in the draw.

I 100% guarantee the second you got rid of the outfitter allocation MOGA would be advocating for more NR tags.
But thanks to people looking to make money from hunting, the culture, and hence the pressure on wildlife has drastically changed. Hence my internet bitching, which is all that I have time for. Maybe start a thread with ideas for what the average Joe can do to help. My first post would be to bitch more about people who are looking to indirectly make a dollar off of deer and elk.
If you step back and look at subsidies you will recognize that I may be the direct beneficiary of said payments. If you eat store bought bread, or buy any of your food in grocery store, you are the indirect beneficiary of the subsidy by having low priced food. Low priced food has been a must in our nation. Cheap food equates into people having more money for recreation. A populous that recreates is a happy and sedentary population. When people have to pay high prices for food and many go hungry you have civil unrest. Our Gov't is way ahead on this curve. Keep people fed, recreating and happy, they pay taxes and life is good.
So you're a welfare farmer/rancher too?
In western WY there is the wilderness guide rule. Many of the outfitters in the NE part of WY also guide north of the border in November.
While I agree the wilderness rule is garbage, it does not guarantee or set aside a licenses for outfitters period.... And I don’t have to hire a guide to hunt the wilderness.
You don’t understand the business.
Inability to secure license costs business. Hunters look to states with consistent licensure. Every other year is not an attractive option to most clientele. I can make it work, but certainly don’t like the rotation of clients.

As a NR, I'm dying to know what state your referring to that provides consistent licensure for NR hunters. Probably the same state that provides a generous 11 month season with unlimited OTC tags for chupacabra.
As a NR, I'm dying to know what state your referring to that provides consistent licensure for NR hunters. Probably the same state that provides a generous 11 month season with unlimited OTC tags for chupacabra.
Colorado OTC elk...every year for NR hunters. AZ archery deer every year for NR(yes I know some units are closing). Idaho basically was until this year.
Colorado OTC elk...every year for NR hunters. AZ archery deer every year for NR(yes I know some units are closing). Idaho basically was until this year.
Got me...should have been more specific...I'm talking about good elk rifle tags...and Idaho was not...there was/is a cap on NR elk hunters in ID so its never a sure thing. I'm not going to count the mad house that is OTC 2nd and 3rd season CO. I'm talking about consistent licensure for the quality of elk tag the Montana does not exist anywhere for NRs.
So you're a welfare farmer/rancher too?
Sure am, and you are an indirect beneficiary of subsidies, unless you grow all your own food. If you are an R and hunt Mt you are a welfare recipient with cheap license, thanks to high priced NR license subsidizing you. If you care to look back a few posts you will see this has been covered already, and I don't want to bore the rest of the folk on here beating a dead horse, so look at what ANTLERRADAR posted about subsidies.
Colorado OTC elk...every year for NR hunters. AZ archery deer every year for NR(yes I know some units are closing). Idaho basically was until this year.
There are also plenty of states with landowner and conservation tags. These licenses can get you into good units every year if you are willing to spend the money.
Got me...should have been more specific...I'm talking about good elk rifle tags...and Idaho was not...there was/is a cap on NR elk hunters in ID so its never a sure thing. I'm not going to count the mad house that is OTC 2nd and 3rd season CO. I'm talking about consistent licensure for the quality of elk tag the Montana does not exist anywhere for NRs.
Montana has an area that has consistent quality elk, and access, in general season area(s)? Last I knew state wide success on elk was like 17% and that was years ago, I can't imaging it has gotten better. I don't hunt elk, actually have a strong dislike for them, so my stat on success may not be current, and maybe there is an area in Western Mt general season that has access and good elk hunting I've not heard of.
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