JLS, you have it figured right, NR fishing is a bigger business than hunting, as they take multiple many times the number of clients hunting outfitters take. Hunting alone is a 350 million dollar injection into Montana's economy. The university that did the study uses a multiplier of 7 to figure how many times that dollar is spent, so actual figure is 350 divided by 7. It fairly easy to figure out, there are about 8000 NR license holders booking hunts with outfitters, take this at a $6500 average and do the math and use the university multiplier of 7.
6500 is probably a little low when you figure total expenditure. The university lumped hunting clients into their study and did not do a stand alone.
Eric your true colors and motive really showed in this part of your last post, mainly highlighting the fact that you admit that 8000 people are already using outfitters. Yet that isn't enough for you, you still want to carve out 12,960 to help support outfitters. If the outfitters are truly struggling than maybe to many outfitters exist for the supply of people wanting to pay them and its not a tag problem but a number of people providing outfitter services?