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Non-resident Idaho tag frenzy

It used to be 5 to 10 percent of nonresident hunters made the rest look bad. Lately it seams like 90 percent make the rest look bad.

Let me describe opening day of deer in my area. I've hunted the same unit religiously since I was 13. That's 25 years now. Before sunrise I parked my 4 wheeler and hiked 2/3 of a mile to a ridge. Awaiting sunrise I see 6 side by sides driving to the same ridge. That road has been closed for 30 years. They all park a few hundred yards apart. As the sun rises I see deer just below them. This is bullshit... You can see deer and elk but can't tell what they are. Just before legal shooting hours I start screaming at the top of my lungs trying to be very helpfull, "Hey there's deer coming your way! LOOK DOWN BELOW! DEER! RIGHT THERE! HEEEEY, JUST BELOW YOU DEER. THAT ONE MIGHT BE A BUCK! ETC." On and on until I'm out of breathe. Everything non human runs into the trees. Daylight comes and there's NOTHING to be seen. They come over pissed off. Mad as hell saying, "We spent so much money on tags and drove 6 hours and you pull that shit!" I didn't even know they were nonresident until then. Thanks for the tip.

"Just trying to help you guys out." Was all I said.

They didn't even consider they were hunting illegally. Most of them didn't even get off the side by sides. I'm usually the guy happy to help out a nonresident I meet in a canyon. You pay a TON of money to hunt Idaho and that cash helps. If I can get you that once in a lifetime experience I'll guide you on your way. Lately I don't know if it's pressure to kill something to post pics or show it off or what but some people are needing a lesson. I'm definitely switching to the side of limit nonresidents to 10% of even general tags. Much more and I'll happily suggest we just end the nonresident tags. I'll pay more as a resident.
No need to get on AITA thread on Reddit it. Fact: You are one for acting like a spoiled child.

Call a game warden if you have a problem.
Where ive hunted you could always tell the nonresidents just by the fact they were the only ones buzzing around closed USFS roads on ATVs. All the locals knews the roads had been closed to motorized vehicles years ago and either walked in or didnt hunt.
I’d say my area is roughly the opposite. Lots of non residents paying attention to maps and signage about closures while locals act entitled to do whatever the heck they want including riding an atv all over and then griping about the closures
Where ive hunted you could always tell the nonresidents just by the fact they were the only ones buzzing around closed USFS roads on ATVs. All the locals knews the roads had been closed to motorized vehicles years ago and either walked in or didnt hunt.
I try to give a few the benefit of the doubt. I get it. If you're not from around here a two track can be considered a road. This was ridiculous. They drove around the sign saying it was closed and motored across open sagebrush. This wasn't a case of confusion. It's blatant don't care let's get up there.
I try to give a few the benefit of the doubt. I get it. If you're not from around here a two track can be considered a road. This was ridiculous. They drove around the sign saying it was closed and motored across open sagebrush. This wasn't a case of confusion. It's blatant don't care let's get up there.
Yeah that would have pissed me off too.
No need to get on AITA thread on Reddit it. Fact: You are one for acting like a spoiled child.

Call a game warden if you have a problem.
I guess if your the type to stand around during a crime that's the way to go. You do you.
I guess if your the type to stand around during a crime that's the way to go. You do you.
Do you pull people over on the freeway speeding too?

Your issue is valid, but that’s what game wardens are for.

The point is that you wanted to be an a$$hole to them to prove a point. Hardly to enforce the law for a “crime”.

I’d say you got off lucky that time, next time you might be surprised at the outcome. I’d say those “criminals” were gentleman, because most guys would lay you out cold for acting that way.

You do you.
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Do you pull people over on the freeway speeding too?

Your issue is valid, but that’s what game wardens are for.

The point is that you wanted to be an a$$hole to them to prove a point. Hardly to enforce the law for a “crime”.

I’d say you got off lucky that time, next time you might be surprised at the outcome. I’d say those “criminals” were gentleman, because most guys would lay you out cold for acting that way.

You do you.
Ah I see your perspective.

I worked in law enforcement. Yes I've pulled people over for speeding. Yes I've let people off for minor stuff. I've also felt completely fine handing over a citation for excess. And YES! since I've switched careers I have cited people as a citizen. You know you can do that right? You have every right to interrupt a violation or personally charge the violation.

If I see a 3 year old grabbing a candy bar in a store I mention it. Unintentional happens.

This was 8 adults filling their pockets in a store and me calling them out on the store loudly. You're the type to stand back and make a phone call. That's ok. Really. Somebody else will take care of it.

Don't blame me for being the guy to point it out when it happens.
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A majority of the time, the area I’ve hunted, the rules were constantly being broken by the locals. My guess is some of them ride closed areas all year so why stop during hunting season. I’ve seen guys driving around closed road gates on more than one occasion and each time the plates were from residents. I bet the vehicles were stolen though.
I’d say my area is roughly the opposite. Lots of non residents paying attention to maps and signage about closures while locals act entitled to do whatever the heck they want including riding an atv all over and then griping about the closures
Sounds like smarter nonresidents hunt where you are, than those who ive seen buzzing around.

Ive noticed local USFS office has finally, after years of no signs at a lot of closed road entrances, finally put up new road closed signs and actually chained a few of the gates (if the gates were still present or on the hinges).

Having walked numerous hours over the last week and a half ive only seen one side by side with two good old boys, and several truck tracks.
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Ah I see your perspective.

I worked in law enforcement. Yes I've pulled people over for speeding. Yes I've let people off for minor stuff. I've also felt completely fine handing over a citation for excess. And YES! since I've switched careers I have cited people as a citizen. You know you can do that right? You have every right to interrupt a violation or personally charge the violation.

If I see a 3 year old grabbing a candy bar in a store I mention it. Unintentional happens.

This was 8 adults filling their pockets in a store and me calling them out on the store loudly. You're the type to stand back and make a phone call. That's ok. Really. Somebody else will take care of it.

Don't blame me for being the guy to point it out when it happens.
Good on ya. Wardens rarely do crap about this stuff during the season. They're usually harvesting the low hanging fruit around the main roads. I turned in a guy that shot 2 deer (that I witnessed - could have been more with the dozen shots he fired) and gave them the guy's plates, pictures and everything. Know what the warden did? Jack crap. They tracked the guy down and gave him a talking to. Guy had hot footed it back to camp, packed in a hurry and ran for the beehive state with his buddies. Left trash all over his campsite trying to get out of Dodge before he got caught. Meanwhile at least one buck was left to rot.
Those days are gone! Heck in Co there are some units that I could draw a deer tag reliably as a second or 3rd choice… or buy one before season. They are not good to hunt, but I live in the unit/ have access to private. Those tags are now going to 1st choice tags, and or gone 1st day of leftovers… tons of out of staters coming chomping at the bit to hunt one of the most marginal units in the state. For what?
Those days are gone! Heck in Co there are some units that I could draw a deer tag reliably as a second or 3rd choice… or buy one before season. They are not good to hunt, but I live in the unit/ have access to private. Those tags are now going to 1st choice tags, and or gone 1st day of leftovers… tons of out of staters coming chomping at the bit to hunt one of the most marginal units in the state. For what?
Unfortunately it’s still better hunting than not going at all or where they are from. This bus is just picking up steam! Going to get much much worse I fear!
Good on ya. Wardens rarely do crap about this stuff during the season. They're usually harvesting the low hanging fruit around the main roads. I turned in a guy that shot 2 deer (that I witnessed - could have been more with the dozen shots he fired) and gave them the guy's plates, pictures and everything. Know what the warden did? Jack crap. They tracked the guy down and gave him a talking to. Guy had hot footed it back to camp, packed in a hurry and ran for the beehive state with his buddies. Left trash all over his campsite trying to get out of Dodge before he got caught. Meanwhile at least one buck was left to rot.
I’ve turned people in and had them fined. It was Forest Service that fined them.

I will stand in the middle of a closed trail and tell someone driving down it illegally to turn around. Unless you get a face pic turning them in is useless. You have to be able to pick them out of a line up.

My favorite non-resident activity this year is camping a mile to two miles from a trailhead right in the middle of the zone for elk. I’m looking for bedded or grazing elk and see a tent with Kuiu on it and a guy a few yards away glassing in the zone. Sigh. They have every right to do so but it’s frustrating.
But once it’s part of your identity, you will forsake all else to keep your identity. I’m skeptical that a recession would have much effect or that we will ever have another meaningful recession in my lifetime honestly. There is no appetite for responsibility in society anymore.
I believe that makes the chances for meaningful recessions more likely.
Unfortunately it’s still better hunting than not going at all or where they are from. This bus is just picking up steam! Going to get much much worse I fear!
See I call bs. Most of these guys are coming from states where you get 3-8 whitetail tags… they just “have” to kill a muley too
See I call bs. Most of these guys are coming from states where you get 3-8 whitetail tags… they just “have” to kill a muley too
Well I can tell you the mule deer hunting has never been worse in montana but it’s an endless supply of nr demand to crush an old warrior troll two point that’s 1.5 years old but “wasn’t going to make the winter”. Our combos shouldn’t be selling out but it takes a couple years to get a tag now with no end in sight
Well I can tell you the mule deer hunting has never been worse in montana but it’s an endless supply of nr demand to crush an old warrior troll two point that’s 1.5 years old but “wasn’t going to make the winter”. Our combos shouldn’t be selling out but it takes a couple years to get a tag now with no end in sight
I'm with you. It sucks but at least NR tags have a cap
Driving 10+ hours to shoot a forky horn isn't on my bucket list.

I didn’t read this whole thread but can agree that many people have no respect for the law anymore in this country. Happy hunting, TheGrayRider.
See I call bs. Most of these guys are coming from states where you get 3-8 whitetail tags… they just “have” to kill a muley too
I personally don’t “have” to kill anything but I enjoy coming out west to hunt or be a part of a hunt. If anyone wants to come to my home state and fill their 3-5 deer tags then have at it. I can possibly even provide a spot that is less than 247 yards from the road.
The roadkill truck was stacked higher than the cab yesterday. Not gonna hear a complaint out of me if someone wants to try and fill tags that they paid for that the wildlife commission made available.

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