Non-hunting vacation- Washington, DC

5.5 days is a LONG time in DC, even if you do venture out to Arlington, MT Vernon, etc... I'd split it and take Amtrak to Philly and fly one leg out of PHL. Dovetails nicely with DC for kids/history. Even adults can't do museums for 5.5 days.

Probably too late for White house reservations (through your congressmen). But get your Capitol tours and Washington monument tours booked ( Air & Space is also rez only - so get that booked. Most of the other museums can be fairly last minute - even walk-up. Almost all museums are free (Smithsonian owned/run). So I would NOT bother with the CityPass (all inclusive) type options. Get rez early for Ford's theatre (and maybe even try to see a show there).

Hotel and restaurant options will be much better on NE side of the mall. South side is very dry (gov't offices) - don't hotel on the south.

We just walk and use the $1 Circulator bus around the mall area. Use the $1 bus and thoroughly plan your mall/museum walks or you will tire out. Subway is nice but can be expensive and not all that convenient - if not planned out well.

Plan your days as to food as it's just not as good food just isn't' available as you would think for a large city. It's easy to get stuck and have to eat at museums (bad food) or a low quality food truck (or have no food options).

Also use the Free SW Shuttle bus to get down to the Wharf area for dinner, ferry ride to VA, etc...
I second Mt Vernon. Spend plenty of time at the museum there. It's incredible.
Don’t know where you are from but skyline drive is really nice for a mountain drive.
i went with my family when i was a sophomore in high school. as many have said - the capital tour, arlington, the monuments, and smithsonian’s were great.

one evening we caught a play at Fords theater, that was quite an experience!
Been a few times recently. LOTS of homeless people EVERYWHERE, and they kinda plop down anywhere that they want. Crime is high, and I wouldn’t plan on walking around after dark no matter where you are, as one block to the next have very different “personalities.”

Smithsonians are great. I like the monuments as well, and they are not a far walk from the Whitehouse. Arlington is a good ways away from anything, so plan on taking the subway.

Get out a map and look into the history of the design of DC before you go. Some Frenchman designed it for maximum defense with cannon fields-of-fire in mind. There are a lot buildings in DC that are polygonal and triangular due to these strange angles, so space layout and design is a pain, but it looks pretty cool. No building is allowed to be taller than the Capitol Building.

Go to the Dubliner for lunch one day if you can. Two blocks north of the Capitol if I recall correctly. Good Irish food, as well as Americanized fare.
Been twice to visit a sister when she lived there.
I'd get a buckbucks and a Post and sit in Lafayette park across from the White House at sunrise and read the paper.
Then walk. Lots of walking.

Get in touch with your rep. and get a Capital tour. For sure.
Get online before and apply for Library of Congress card. Then your kids can look at the books and documents that no one else can look at. They can use it online after for research.
I applied for card there on a computer, still have it somewhere.

WWII memorial and Korean War, the Wall. Presidents Memorials,all.
Smithsonian. I spent days in there and Natural History Museum.
Native American Museum and the cafe is the deal for food and people watching.

The Women in Service Memorial in there is an eye opener. Found out my mom was more than a pretty face.

Monticello. Jeffersons plantation and home is a museum. Great drive through VA countryside.
I went and found out more than I knew about who I am named after. My ranch is bigger tho, LOL.

Langley is worth the look, if you can get in. Pentagon the same.

Check your contacts and see who you pissed off or helped out. LOL

I got guided tours of all, including the White House ,when it was closed. Shook Bush's hand. Post 911.
This forum is getting ridiculous. Now wer’re asking for honey holes for family vacations. Where does it end for you people?!

Kidding. My wife and I planned on going there if we didn’t move back west so soon so our trip is postponed. One of the things we wanted to do is go to Library of Congress.
I went there 4 years ago on a military honor flight . We had a very tight itinerary and saw what we could, WWII memorial, Korean War memorial, Vietnam Nam wall, Arlington, Presidential memorials, etc. I would like to go back and take my wife and spend a few days and do it justice.
I’m a long time G-man and my life revolves around DC. I’ve been a lot of times for work so I tend to avoid it for play. That being said it is a really cool experience.

The Smithsonian is truly amazing. Reaching out to your rep is a good idea and might get you a cool visit and perspective. The main monument/reflecting pool area is worth it of course.

Walk as much as you can. Driving anywhere is not fun. The train is great too. If you like baseball and the Nationals are playing it’s a fun evening.

Georgetown is really interesting to walk around. It is like it’s own entirely different (expensive) town inside the city.

As others have said, you are a short drive or train ride from some amazing battle fields. Gettysburg was very impactful for me even as an adult. I recommend it to everyone.

I’ve also spent a lot of time in Harpers Ferry, WV. It’s a cool town with an unbelievable war related history. Not to mention some amazing hikes. If you go that way you’ll drive really close to Dulles and the Air and Space museum is great too. That could be a twofer for you.

Have fun!
This forum is getting ridiculous. Now wer’re asking for honey holes for family vacations. Where does it end for you people?!

Kidding. My wife and I planned on going there if we didn’t move back west so soon so our trip is postponed. One of the things we wanted to do is go to Library of Congress.

Some of the museums now have a limited entry draw system, so heads-up on that and plan ahead. 🤣
My wife and I are planning to visit this coming October. Among the sites not mentioned yet that we plan to visit are Ford’s Theater and the Peterson House. From Gettysburg we’re driving up to Cooperstown, NY also.
A tour of Congress (congressman/senator advanced arrangements) is great. Please remember that you will be subject to (multiple?) screenings as if flying. I've lost a keychain leatherman multitool for my efforts.

White House tours are a thing of the past, I believe. I've done the "regular" tour and also had an insider contact to get the "special tour" back in the day. Your representative/senator contact can let you know if there is any option here.

I don't recall anyone mentioning the National Zoo. Only place in USA to see Pandas (maybe San Diego zoo has them as well?) Subway transport requires a bit of a walk to get to the Zoo entrance.

When we last visited, cab fare was based on zones, and not actual miles/time. This was way before Uber/Lyft came to be popular.

Back in the day, the further away from the Capitol building, the greater the crime rate. Some areas were best to be visited in daylight only.

If going to Arlington and visiting the Tomb of the Unkowns, prep your kids about the solemnity required by occasion. No horseplay or loudness will be tolerated. I've seen the guard break his routine to address rowdy behavior in person and online.

As always, it isn't possible to take too many photos to memorialize your adventure. Hoping for great weather for your visit.
Wife and I went in November, my first trip. She had spent quite a bit of time there when she worked for the state department so I had a guide.
There is so much to see and many great recommendations, absolutely contact your representative and get a Capitol tour. Library of Congress/Jeffersons Library.
Arlington and the Vietnam memorial were tough on me but I would go again
The White House, worth the hour.
The best kept secret is the Roosevelt memorial on Roosevelt Island, you walk a muddy path through the woods to get there. Probably my favorite.
Lincoln memorial was fascinating. As we walked up the steps I could hear people talking but in many cases I did not recognize the language. Hadn’t seen or noticed the same at the other memorials. Great question for the kids if you witness the same thing
We walked no less than 8 and up to 11 miles per day, we were there five days.
Have fun.


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