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Non-Game Species Encountered in the Field

Over the years I have had some cool encounters. Some of the high lights.

Setting on a glassing point I spotted a bull bison headed right at me. I don't know where he came from or where he was going. When I first spotted him, he was a mile out, walked a few hundred yards below me and the last I saw of him, he was close to a mile the other direction. Never stopped moving.

Walked up on four bobcat kittens playing in an old dead juniper. They didn't pay any attention to me even though I was only twenty feet away. Cute as can be, but I was wondering where mom was.

Watched some ravens make the mistake of flying into a box canyon where a pair Prairie Falcons were nesting. The falcons dive bombed the ravens repeatedly. All the ravens could do is hit the deck and try to make some distance for a getaway when the falcons were lining up for another run.

Had a badger walk up to me when I was glassing. At about 10 feet I decided he was close enough and let him know I was there. That got him excited. Badgers don't back down.

Eight species of owls, a snowy owl is still on the to see list. Most recent was a long eared owl that showed up on the hill top I was glassing from as dark was fast approaching

Floating the river with my wife and 10 year old son we had a close encounter with a mountain lion. We were close to the bank as we were coming up on the take out spot. Right in the take out was a large lion. He was crouched down, I think he was trying to hide. My son kept repeating, "keep the boat moving dad, keep the boat moving". We floated down the the next good place to take out.

Came close to setting on a rattle snake one time. That would not have been good.
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What is the most unique/memorable non-game species you've encountered while hunting?

While on a recent black bear hunt, I was hiking slowly through a canyon under a dense canopy of Doug Fir and Lodgepole Pine when I encountered a Great Gray Owl - a first for me. I watched it for about 10 minutes as it flew from limb to limb, dropping to the forest floor occasionally after what I presume could be mice or voles. It was totally unbothered by me being there, and at one point we watched each other within 10 yards.

One thing about owls that never ceases to amaze me is how quiet their flight is. It was dead quiet in the forest that day, yet watching this large bird fly around at close range I never heard a sound. Nothing.

I only snapped one photo taken through my binos.
I had a bald eagle land on a limb right next to a deer stand I was sitting in one time. It stayed there for 15-20 seconds. It was impressive
This is from last fall. Had two bobcat kittens and their mother come by. Not the best video, but the kittens were having a ball- wrestling, climbing, running.
I've probably seen somewhere around 45-50 of these guys in the last 15 years here in AK, have also seen 2 of them in MT. Hard to get a pic of them because they move so fast. I've been within 10-20 yards of them many times. One time was less than 3 yards.

The third pic is of 4 "cubs" feeding on a dead sheep, mama was on her way over. I think we saw 7 on that trip all, total.

Also see a number of ermine, and lots and lots of hoary marmots.


The MT bros have gotten a 1st hand look at a few odd NM critters this week.
Baby tarantulas , velvet ants, tarantula hawks, kangaroo rats, so far.
Besides the cool encounters with bobcats over the years, I’ve also had plenty of owls around- in fact, I often tell my wife I was an owl in another life and that’s why I have so many around me.

One of my most memorable was when I had a small owl (Saw-whet maybe?) land roughly 30-35 yards away in a tree. I was camo’d up, except for my release hand.

Not sure how it occurred to me, but I decided to wiggle my fingers to see how fast it would pick them out. It was almost instantly. His eyes locked on and he swooped to a lower and closer branch, maybe 20 yards now.

I kept moving on finger slowly… I couldn’t help myself and neither could he… he swooped in for this wriggling worm and I held tight until he was close enough I probably could have skewered it had I held an arrow out and I flinched… the look on that bird’s face! It hit the proverbial brakes and flew back up to his original tree and cussed me out with every four letter word owls have before taking off.
Setting at the computer viewing this thread, and I have a mosquito biting me on the hand. Does that count as a non game encounter? I am no stranger to mosquito bites, endure thousands of bites every summer, but it is Oct. 9th and inside. Squashed her just like all the rest.DSCN4647.JPG
I walked up on 2 rattle snakes doing the mating dance where they twist their bodies around each other and stand vertical once.
Another time I saw 2 mountain lion kittens just a few months old. I never saw the mother but her tracks were there. They have to be about the cutest critters in the woods.
I've been lucky and have seen all sorts of various animals. I've seen wolverine, marten, fishers, otter, mink, weasels, lynx, bobcat, lions, ringtails, coatimundi, beaded lizard, gila monster, various rattlesnake species, grey, swift, red foxes, badgers, all sorts of birds.
I read an article in the Star Tribune that northern MN could be treated with the sight of Great Grey Owls in areas outside/south of their typical range due to a dip in prey availability. As luck would have it one perched across the clearing from my deer stand opening morning at sunrise. It’s a beautiful and striking bird, especially in flight, and amazingly quiet. I still remember it clearly, that was probably 20 years ago.
I've been lucky and have seen all sorts of various animals. I've seen wolverine, marten, fishers, otter, mink, weasels, lynx, bobcat, lions, ringtails, coatimundi, beaded lizard, gila monster, various rattlesnake species, grey, swift, red foxes, badgers, all sorts of birds.
You could stock a zoo, Buzz
I had a marten steal my mallard once. That sucked. Had a badger run across a earthen dam right in front of me. That was a bit unnerving.

The funniest one was when I was selk hunting with a buddy over a drop off. I saw something white streak by off to the left, but didn't really see it then. I asked my buddybif there were polar bears in Wyoming. He thought that I had flipped a break pad. About 10 minutes later I look at my buddy, and this feral sheep is standing about 10 feet from him. He stuck around for a long time, but we couldn't catch him. He was about 18 months over due for a shearing. It was kind of sad.