Non diaphragm elk calls


Active member
Mar 9, 2017
NW Arkansas
Due to injury and pallete shape I am unable to use a diaphragm call of any type. Going on my first real backpacking elk hunt in September. Need a bugle and a cow call.
What does the brain trust recommend?
I coupled the mouthpiece from an E.l.k. power bugle to a bugling bull tube from rocky mountain calls. Works really well. Rocky mountain also has a mouthpiece but I didn't care for that one. Also I prefer the grey power bands from e.l.k.
I have tried lots, and whats funny is I have called in more elk with a the old simple hoochie mama, than any other. I am not in high pressure hunting situations and they hear very little artificial calls.
Following along. 3 reconstructive jaw surgeries left me with a very tiny palette that elk and turkey diaphragm calls don’t see to work with.
I have a power bugle from ELK, pretty easy to use. Though I can't figure out how to chuckle with it.

Cow calls I have a few:
- ELK cow talk, this is a bite/blow model
- Primos hyper lip. This is a blow on the reed, but use your lips/mouth to vary it. Wife couldn't use this due to the vibrations on your lips bothering her
- Hoochie Mama, about as easy as it gets, but that also means limited in the variable sounds

One thing to try, I have a VERY narrow and high pallet. If I use a full sized diaphragm that dang thing wraps across my pallet and down my teeth, I can actually bit on it between my teeth while it's nestled up in the pallet! I've had good luck with youth calls.
Just got a reply from Jason over at Phelps. Apparently there is a new product dropping in July for just this situation.
Thanks for the replies folks.
*tips hat*
Carlton makes some good bite calls. Reeds & bite calls.
Primos has several ,with stupid names of course.
Chappel makes some good reeds.
I have 2 custom made reeds.

I can scare bulls away with my bugling.
But can call most elk that are callable with a cow call.
Elk Inc. Is what I use to bugle. Also use their Power howler for coyote hunting so it's an easy change over. I mostly use diaphragm for cow sounds but I do occasionally use The Bull Hooker from Hunters Specialties it's easy to use and just gives me a different sound when I want to mix up the sounds.

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