Caribou Gear Tarp

Nobody home here?


New member
Jun 21, 2001
Rural Wa. State/ Ellisras South Africa
I'm a PH in South Africa and work there seasonally. I may be able to assist anyone interested in putting together a safari with no risk or worry. Hunt with a fellow American and with some of the most fun South African's in the whole country. You will go with me as a client but we will come home as friends!jj
Welcome, JJHack! There are several of us considering Africa trips, especially considering the cost of exotics hunts in Texas! I might be interested in 2002. If you want to email me privately to let me know (ballpark) what a plains game hunt would cost (mainly the various antelope species), my eamil is [email protected] (That's a "one" after vanstra, not the letter "L") Then I can see if I can save my pennies and afford such a trip.
Each year I put together a group hunt from a couple internet sites. I would like to add this one to the list. I have a web site which lists various packages and wew can always arrange something special for an individual safari. Most of these hunts will be 2X1 but can be 1X1 if you like. The advantage to the 2X1 is the substantial savings you will get.

My web site is

Click on the hunting adventures section and you will see much of the information avaiable. Then we can narrow down the list of questions from there. I have lots of references and have taken over 100 people now in the last ten years. All satisfied and many have hunted with me 2-3 times. I'm not making an attempt to be boastful just that there is never any surprises with my hunts.

You may not like the answer you get from me up front but it will be UPFRONT! I would rather risk the chance you do not hunt with us then to tell you what you want to hear just to get you to go.

I have been doing this for ten years now and it is really a great deal of fun and excitment. jj
JJHAck.. Calif hunter and a few others might Go REAL soon.... I am going to try to get a few interested parties going....

DANG $$$ all the time though
Anyways, I will be contacting you soon for some Info....

THANX for the E-mail and WELCOME to Moosies !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS, This section is a little slow... MAybe you can post a few pics for us ?!?!?!
I have lots of pics and just bought a scanner but you must remember I am a PH not a computer guy. I cannot get into my Photopoint photo's anymore they want to make money for the service they were giving me? Can't blame them but Not sure I want to pay a monthly fee to post a few photo's on web site?jj
How do I get into my post to write some text on each photo? If they are posted by somebody else I cannot edit their post. I would not expect anyone to type all my text for me. I would love to cut and paste my Africa posts from the coffee shop before they close it up. that is a lot of typing and reading but they are all good true serious posts.

Should I move them here?
If you can do it, go ahead and move them over here. Like you, I'm not a computer guy so I can't help you out if you don't know how to do it. Moosie can, though, I'm sure.
JJ hack... Call me today if ya get a second... (208)571-1355 I Will get you Up and Running like a champ REAL REAL fast..... Easier in person then typing all the instructions out

Plus... Always good to hear a voice to that typing.....
Moosie-Maybe you can put together an African Safari for another Gathering in the future like we talked about in the beginning. There was alot of intrest in it when we were coming up with ideas for where to have it. WOuld at least fill up a couple weeks in Africa for JJ, and it would be a kick bu++ time. What ya think? bcat
Hello members. I thought I would try out a post on this site. I didn't mean to post my entire name, but I guess there will be little doubt about who I am in the future. This place looks like it will be fun if we can keep JJ's stalker from finding him hear. I am looking forward to the future discussions and will have a story or two after my return from a buffalo hunt to Zimbabwe in mid July.

Perry-Welcome to Moosies. I dont know whether or not this place is stalker free, when you are a popular internet figure they seem to find ya no matter where you hide.:D:D:D We have a couple lurkers, and x members like that here too... Good to have you anyway Perry and look forward to hearing of your hunt in July.... Welcome Aboard..:D bcat
pwn .. gLAD TO HAVE YA ABOARD.... Not to worried about stalkers here.... We have good Sargent at ARMS
Everyone looks out for Everyone

WELCOME aboard.... Hope to HEre that story soon !!!! I am fired up for Africa and looking foward to hearing more stories

Welcome aboard !!!!
am i dreamin or did the africa section pick-up overnight!!!! JJHACK Welcome to hunttalk glad ya kicked this thing in the pants!! i was starting ta think ole ,moosie was chittin me about going to africa:D im gonna have to go check out your website "africa gathering" would be too kewl!!!!!

welcome Aspen hill farms and Perry glad to have you all hangin around!!! keep this section going there alot of us dreaming of africa and need you all to help keep that fire burnin!!!! post stories and pictures often!!!!:D

dont worry about stalker cause WE STALK BACK!!!! carry a big stick and a little pan:D:D:D
JJHACK, ive tried to get into your website and i keep getting locked up ! any clue?????

anybody else have trouble ????
Hi Perry, i like your ....

>> Ek wil jag vir kos<<

Great, ek ook...., nothing beats biltong, Kudu wors and a nice venison potjie.

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