No DST, end of after work hunting?

I love DST and would be all in favor year round. Our kids go to school in the damn near pitch black in December and January anyway. Light at 9 rather than 8 would be ok with me.. it's the painfully depressing 4:30 afternoon gloom that gets me in midwinter.
Stick with DST year-round. Having it get dark at 4:45pm in the winter sucks, I'd much rather have it get dark an hour later in the winter and carry that time throughout the year.

I did hear somebody who promoted the removal of DST state that it was probably causing global warming because of the extra hour of sunlight each day... so there is that ;)
I'd personally like that as an adult. However, Nixon did the year round thing when I was in grade school. The problem I remember is that in the winter I was going to school in the dark.
So are people wanting it to start getting light in the summer at about 3:45 or 4:45am like it does now? Because as someone who wakes up with the sun and gets pissed if I waste any daylight hours sleeping.....3:45 would suck. I like having it get light around 5am and dark at 10pm for the longest days. Its a nice full day. When the sun goes down my body starts to want to go to bed. I would rather go to work or school in the dark(really who cares about starting your day in the dark) and have it stay light a little later. Get stuff done after work in the light.

I personally hate the Fall time change. My body takes a month or two to get used to it. I wake at 4am for work and it sucks when your body wants to wake at 3am. We spend more of our year in the spring/summer/fall one. I could be wrong but the split seems like 7mo/5mo.
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l never liked DST.
NM is voting in YR and the idiots are linking it to Central time,we're in MT. When I go across border in AZ I have to wait an hour for stores to open.....
Have always worked outdoors building or as a Park Ranger. Worked 10 hr days.Sometimes all night.
I do know where the headlight switch is and can flip a wall switch.
Maybe we could all just live with bankers hours with Congress' lightweight work loads.

Have always gotten up before daylight....cept I slept in til 6:30 this morning 1st time in yrs. I'm retired for this morning.
^^^^Sunset in NM is the second glass of red...don't get that confused with sunrise and you'll be good. ; )
It seems silly to get wound up about this with all the habitat threats, but we will lose an hour of after school hunting. This will be heard tomorrow by the House State Administration committee. Calling them is more effective, but you can submit a message to the committee by clicking here and selecting "House State Administration" about 2/3 the way down the form.

You can also email them individually (although Rep. Staffason and Rep. Bachmeier have no emails):
[email protected],
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Here is what I wrote.
Dear members of the State Administration Committee,

I oppose SB 206, which would eliminate mountain daylight time (MDT) in Montana. This would eliminate much of my ability to spend time with my kids outdoors after school.

In the fall, MDT allows me to take my kids hunting after school. It also gives me enough time to drive to the shooting range and have them practice shooting during the week. When MDT ends in November, the hunting is limited to the weekends and, worse, now the kids and myself have to get up an hour earlier, relative to school, to go hunting.

Similarly, in the spring we will lose that extra hour after school (and work) for play, sports, fishing, and hiking.

I can understand that people don't like having to adjust their sleep schedule, but that is a small price to pay for the extra hour of outside activity with family. And for many activities, without that extra hour, there isn't enough time to get out and do them. There is no flexibility with school scheduling, and this takes an hour away from us.

If the burden of adjusting the sleep schedule is too large, perhaps we should have daylight savings times year-round in Montana. They did this when I was a kid and we survived just fine. The darker mornings would be far more preferable to losing an hour of outside activity.
It was heard in committee on the 14th, but they haven't voted on whether to send it to the floor. I put info for how to contact the committee about this here. Tell them you want to keep the opportunities to do outdoor activities after work and school!
Over hear in the liberal rainforest we are trying to move to DLS year-round. Hope pans out for all the reasons Rob mentioned. Good luck to you guys

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