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NM Summer Bighorn


Oct 20, 2004
New Mexico

We saw 16 rams on the first sheep-salting pack trip for the Game Dept , lots of moisture this year so they all look fat and healthy!

"Laverne" and "Shirley" loaded with salt blocks...200 pounds each. We used 9 animals to pack and ride on this trip

A motley crew on a ridge above the lake where we camp
LOL, paid enough to feed the stock for the year , better not quit my veterinarian job though.
Would love your job. Need help!

Beautiful animals. Was this in the Pecos or Wheeler Peaks? Did not recognize the lake.
This is the the Pecos Wilderness...unit 45. Will make a few more trips in the Pecos to various salt sites then to the Latir Wilderness and maybe Wheeler/Vallecitos depending on what the biologists want. Have mules will travel.
Hi Patrick!

Clovis and Hobo stayed home, they could have gone but I am bringing up some younger stock. There is a young 2yo blue roan gelding I call "Pecos" that you will see soon, I will pack him later this season and if he doesn't kill himself on a cliff or break his leg in a hole I think he will make a good one. We will see!
Great pics!
Love the Pecos!!
I've had rams walk right up to me elk hunting in there,and blow some stalks.
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made another loop this time in the Latir Wilderness. Packed 600# of salt we dispersed at 3 separate sites. All the elk and bighorn looked fat and happy with all the moisture and feed but I haven't been rained on that hard for years!

Thanks bobbydean, they work hard and do a great job. I keep an eye out for good-minded stock all year and start by packing the young horses/mules to see if they can handle the country. I have had some get scared and flip over backwards, fall off trails, spook and bolt etc ( we use a breakaway between pack saddles so if one goes it doesn't pull the whole pack string down). The ones that make the grade progress to riding stock. I started a nice 2 year old roan QH this year that is really going to be good. All I care about is they are good-minded and dont care what breed, on this trip we had a trakaner, a clydesdale , QH's, half-arab and mules.
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