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NM Draw Apps Open 22

Wait, you mean I'm not supposed to throw an entire un-skinned antelope/deer/elk in the bed of my dark colored pickup truck in 90+ or 100+ degree heat and drive back to Texas?
Yeah ,but you had cold beer.

The only time I've ever hunted antelope it was hot. That's what a cooler is for. Only good antelope I've had is the one I took care of immediately.
Turkey is up unsuccessful here.

As for antelope August,September, October don't care just give me a tag I'll be there. I do see how archery hunting in a blind over water could be more productive during August.
Being a butcher one thing we noticed when they changed the hunts from October to August a few years back, the care for the meat and capes. Its absolutely pathetic how some guys did. First year that it was in August saw numerous ruined capes and meat that definitely wasn't cooled quick enough. Which I know that is just irresponsibility on the hunters part which is sad
I can see how it would be very tough to get a whole lope cool. It was over 100 degrees, but I skinned and quartered on the spot and threw the cape on ice while I hung the quarters in bags till they were dry then threw the quarters on ice. It wasn’t a problem, BUT I can see how it could be.

I wonder how an elk is going to work at 100 degrees. Cringe.
You’re making the assumption that ALL outfitter tags are going to NR’s, I can’t find the data to support but I doubt that is the case. Those units with 3% resident odds jump to 10% in the outfitter draw. Many units aren’t filling the outfitter quota and shifting tags to residents also.
For elk, residents received 88.8% of tags in 2021, NR’s 4.23% and outfitter welfare made up 6.96%.
I agree that NM’s system is the way to go, at least I always have a chance to draw but you’ll never convince me that doing away with outfitter welfare will reduce NR opportunities.
NRs get near 100% of the outfitter pool, but no not 100%. Feel free to pm me the hunt code showing 3% in the res pool and 10% in the outfitter pool. A few years ago I looked at every elk hunt code and only a few had better odds in the outfitter pool than the res pool, and in those cases the odds were bad regardless of which pool you were in. There are plenty of codes that are 3% in the NR and 10% in the OT, but almost all codes have better odds for residents than in the OT pool.

Please explain how removing a resident from the OT pool and putting him into the resident pool will help resident draw odds? It will decrease them. When a resident jumps into the OT pool he removes himself from the resident pool, improving resident odds. So if residents are entering the OT pool(which they can freely do if they contract with an outfitter) the going to a 90/10 would add 6% of the tags back to the res pool BUT it would increase the number of applicants in the res pool, which would improve draw odds EVEN LESS. Residents are not going to suddenly notice improved draw odds by going 90/10 but they are going to loose a lot of business.
Thought about that too, my luck I'll finally draw and it'll be all three tags in the same year.
Somehow I think we would both find a way to deal with it! For some reason I have a good feeling about drawing a sheep tag this year in NM. Looong odds on that one.
Somehow I think we would both find a way to deal with it! For some reason I have a good feeling about drawing a sheep tag this year in NM. Looong odds on that one.
Never know my dad drew his first choice on sheep first year he put in for sheep
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