Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

NM 43 for Deer


People aren't going to give you any good advice for this tag on the forum, unless they are braindead. Sending every person with a two-hour-old Hunt Talk profile asking for spots with GPS coordinates to their honey holes means they won't remain honey holes.

I will leave you with some tips for getting advice. Pick some, but perhaps not all at once. I see you have already tried the "I'll threaten to kick everybody's ass who won't give me immediate advice tactic," so I'll leave that off the list.

- begin post saying, "I'm not looking for honey holes."
- make your profile photo an attractive female.
- say you're a wounded vet
- say the advice is for your 97-year-old dad who has stage 4 pancreatic cancer, uses a walker, but doesn't mind "getting after it to get it done"
- say the advice is for your 13-year-old with autism spectrum disorder who has no friends, smells his own farts and eats his own boogers

The things may or may not be true in some cases, but either way, you'll get more advice.

Happy hunting.
lol Cushman what branch you serve in? Let me know so I can have the guys check your reference. You throw that service out there you better be about it. you look like you never served shit but chow and maybe you just gay. what branch you serve in let us know.
lol Cushman what branch you serve in? Let me know so I can have the guys check your reference. You throw that service out there you better be about it. you look like you never served shit but chow and maybe you just gay. what branch you serve in let us know.
Normally I'd be pissed about someone bringing my military service into it and doubting. But, I recognize that you're just jealous, so all is good.
Now that you have shown everyone on these threads you a phony I will be done wasting my time with your hunt talk groupies. Never met one solider that didn't proudly tell you branch n rank. Sounds like u played soldier as a kid are you a cowboy and a Indian too. done with you all. Ill send a pic after season and let that do my talking.
Now that you have shown everyone on these threads you a phony I will be done wasting my time with your hunt talk groupies. Never met one solider that didn't proudly tell you branch n rank. Sounds like u played soldier as a kid are you a cowboy and a Indian too. done with you all. Ill send a pic after season and let that do my talking.
Now that you have shown everyone on these threads you a phony I will be done wasting my time with your hunt talk groupies. Never met one solider that didn't proudly tell you branch n rank. Sounds like u played soldier as a kid are you a cowboy and an Indian too. done with you all. I’ll send a pic after season and let that do my talking.
Did your parents not love you as a child? Do you need a hug?
Now that you have shown everyone on these threads you a phony I will be done wasting my time with your hunt talk groupies. Never met one solider that didn't proudly tell you branch n rank. Sounds like u played soldier as a kid are you a cowboy and a Indian too. done with you all. Ill send a pic after season and let that do my talking.
Son, you've insulted one of the most well-liked and respected members on this site. Instead of responding at your level he replied in a very classy manner and you doubled down on your stupidity. If I were you (thank God I'm not) I would just delete my account and disappear into the webiverse. You will have no friends here.
Now that you have shown everyone on these threads you a phony I will be done wasting my time with your hunt talk groupies. Never met one solider that didn't proudly tell you branch n rank. Sounds like u played soldier as a kid are you a cowboy and a Indian too. done with you all. Ill send a pic after season and let that do my talking.
You were in the navy weren’t you?
Our guy here made 7 posts

1) Asked for unit specific info
2) Made a very apparent political stance
3) Called someone old and fat
4) Challenged entire forum to come over and fight
5) Called entire forum girls
6) Questioned someone's military service and then their sexuality
7) Disrespected someone's military service

That was just plain weird
Our guy here made 7 posts

1) Asked for unit specific info
2) Made a very apparent political stance
3) Called someone old and fat
4) Challenged entire forum to come over and fight
5) Called entire forum girls
6) Questioned someone's military service and then their sexuality
7) Disrespected someone's military service

That was just plain weird
And he didn’t even get a chance to answer my questions! Im offended! 😛
"Never regret thy fall, O Icarus of the fearless flight, For the greatest tragedy of them all, Is never to feel the burning light."
Our guy here made 7 posts

1) Asked for unit specific info
2) Made a very apparent political stance
3) Called someone old and fat
4) Challenged entire forum to come over and fight
5) Called entire forum girls
6) Questioned someone's military service and then their sexuality
7) Disrespected someone's military service

That was just plain weird
Yeah. I’m at MSP, on my way home from two weeks of travel and that stuff gets posted. I don’t have time for that, especially when it is directed at a guy who’s been through the shit Cushman has.

Hopefully the guy is a good of a hunter as he is at making implies threats. If so, he’ll kill a huge buck in any unit.