NFL- Conference Championship Week

too much ink....


But,, he is going to the Super Bowl....
The Saints will not get Indy to turn it over 5 times, and get the benefit of some very favorable calls. Good for them, but I see another one of those Super Bowl blowouts in the making.

Saints defense cannot stop anyone - AZ, MN, and Indy has the best in the business.

Vikes did not deserve to win. Can't have that many turnovers.

Farve is a tough son of a ...... Gotta give him all the credit in the world, even if the last interception may have cost a field goal to win the game.

Bigger issue is how do you have 12 men in the huddle following a timeout, forcing you to stretch a pass play to recover the yardage from the penalty.

The Vikes invent ways to lose, and this is no exception. We must have traded "the Babe" somewhere along the way.
too much ink....

But,, he is going to the Super Bowl....

Where he will get his butt handed to him.

I would really like for Brees to win the ring, but it means Shockey would have to be given a ring also, so I guess I will have to hope for the Colts.
It was a really close game all the of the better games I've seen in awhile. Unfortunately, MN was retarded with the fumbles, blown timeouts, etc. otherwise they probably would have won. Anyway, here's to hoping the Superbowl is fun to watch!
TLC- I can make it as easy as you need, you're a Cubs fan, thus jousting with you is already unfair for you... ;)

Being from Indiana, I have to root for the Colts, but wouldn't hold a ring against Shockey just so he could rub it in the Giants face.

I do have a Drew Brees story though. Some friends and I were at Purdue and at a bar and it was my turn to buy the round. After getting the drinks at the bar I turn around and run smack dab into Drew Brees (just after his Junior season). So, I say "Excuse me Mr. Heisman,". He replies, "No problem, maybe next year." Now he's with another Purdue player, Vinny Sutherland, who say's "Shut up fat boy!". The two of them turn to walk a different direction, when I get the bright idea to throw the drinks I just bought all over Mr. Sutherland's feet. Needless to say he's quite pizzed and asks if I want to go outside. Being a few things that night; 1. drunk and 2. stupidly drunk, I say sure! On the way out of the bar I holler at a few of my friends to let them know what's getting ready to go down (which I figure is me in a bloody heap). Vinny and Brees just exit the bar and as I'm getting ready to walk outside the world goes dark, real dark. I look up into the face of about a 6'6" 300+ pound man who asks me, "Do you have a problem with Vinny?" So's, I reply, "Yeah, I do.". He looks me up and down then sez, "Go back to the bar, I'll take care of Vinny." Not being a big newspaper reader, I didn't realize Mr. Sutherland had gotten in trouble with the law the week before and this guy (a bouncer told me he was on O linemen) was just trying to keep him out of more trouble. That's the story and I'm sticking to it...
Brutal game to watch with turnovers, penalties (both the stupid, untimely and phantom kind), turnovers and a QB who was on his back every other play.

I've long since denounced my Viking fandom, but tonight I actually found myself pulling for them (not enough to go into the basement and get my autographed John Randle jersey though). The twisting thorn it would have in the arse of Wisconsin to watch Purple Quattro in the Superbowl would have been legendary. However, it was not to be... and unfortunately for Vikes fans the window of opportunity is closing on this group.

First, if Favre retires the Vikes will not make the playoffs next year, period. Shiancoe and Rice had better name a kid after the guy because Favre wrenched every ounce out of those two and gave them career years. Hard running, punishing backs like Adrian Peterson have a tendency to have short careers and the latter half of this season showed how susceptible even he is to being worn down. Last but certainly not least, all the needles in the world filled with water from the fountain of youth (or HGH, you choose) won't keep the Williams Wall young forever. The Vikes D starts right in the middle of that line and they are two of the best, irreplaceable.

I hope it's a good game next week. I like Brees and I like Manning, and neither franchise is one I root against (teams on that list include but are not limited to the Cowboys, Raiders, Redskins, Dolphins and any team from New York... on principle). My early prediction is that Indy takes it.
Sour grapes? Spillt milk? The Saints won the game, simple as that... They made the fewest mistakes...
It seems to me that the Vikings were awfully nonchalant about their approach in the final 2 minutes of regulation play. Why do you suppose they let the clock run so much by running the ball? Was it to insure that the Saints would not have time left? Maybe? But it surely cost them in the end. They must've been amazingly confident in their ability to kick a 52 yd. FG...
But then there were a lot of questionable things that occurred at the end of that game. Probably the biggest question is why did Farve throw the ball across his body to the middle of the field? A rookie mistake that he's done before? Gunslinger mentality?
Arrogant... and maybe his last play in the NFL...

P.S. And there ain't no guarantees in football... That's why they play the game...
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I thought it was a terrible game, exciting, dramatic, but terrible!! Neither team looked like the two best teams in the NFC. Admittedly, I watched and rooted for the Saints with the taste of sour grapes in my mouth, being a Cowboy fan. But sheesh, penalties from the Saints, turnovers and almost turnovers from the Vikes, the worst game I have ever seen Sean Payton call, crap officiating on both sides(which has been going on all year), just really makes me want to see the Colts win the big game.
Anytime you get 4 points and lose by 3, that is a good investment return...

...unless you blow it @ on a meter-pegging poster.

...just sayin.
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