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NFA Wait Times

I just got approved for another through my trust. It wasn’t 36 hours, like my last but under 60 days so I’m thrilled. A couple friends have had multiples under a month recently too.

For those of you waiting and waiting; are you turning forms into your LEO expeditiously? I’ve always wondered if there is any communication there where they delay on those that don’t turn in forms in a timely manner.
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Starting to get ticked off here.
I was grumpy with how long this one took. If I was in your shoes I would be bat crap crazy. I’ve had three cans approved since October. The longest took 21ish days. The fastest was 7 with Xmas in the middle. The ones prior to that were 40+ days. If there is someone that has a name similar to yours it will slow down the process. Especially if they have legal history.
I just got approved for another through my trust. Under 60 days, so I’m thrilled. A couple friends have had multiples under a month recently too.

For those of you waiting and waiting; are you turning forms into your LEO expeditiously? I’ve always wondered if there is any communication there where they delay on those that don’t turn in forms in a timely manner.

I don't turn anything in to LEO. Is that your state requirement?
I was grumpy with how long this one took. If I was in your shoes I would be bat crap crazy. I’ve had three cans approved since October. The longest took 21ish days. The fastest was 7 with Xmas in the middle. The ones prior to that were 40+ days. If there is someone that has a name similar to yours it will slow down the process. Especially if they have legal history.

My dad just did one in 3 days. He was rubbing it in.
Well considering a large portion are contract employees these wait times are getting ready to go back to long waits is my guess.
More people in the office doesn’t always mean more efficient. Watch two job sites. Private contractor is moving so they can get the production bonus. The government crew is watching two people work.

That being said I’m trying to get another one pushed through just in case things in government agencies get even slower.
More people in the office doesn’t always mean more efficient. Watch two job sites. Private contractor is moving so they can get the production bonus. The government crew is watching two people work.

That being said I’m trying to get another one pushed through just in case things in government agencies get even slower.

I figure the person working on mine took the buyout. It's in the in box until it get reassigned in September.
It’s a requirement per form 4. I think your answer, answers my question though.

No, you don't have to turn anything in to LEO on the eforms. They are notified automatically in the process without the purchaser having to do anything when buying through silencershop. I haven't had to notify anyone myself for suppressors or SBRs in the last 10 years or so.
No, you don't have to turn anything in to LEO on the eforms. They are notified automatically in the process without the purchaser having to do anything when buying through silencershop. I haven't had to notify anyone myself for suppressors or SBRs in the last 10 years or so.
Silencer shop must send that to your CLEO for you then. It’s a requirement of the form but seems to possibly be an unregulated requirement. That’s why I inquired about possible connections. Wonder if the dots connect between all of those agencies. Guessing they don’t but that doesn’t stop the wonder.
Silencer shop must send that to your CLEO for you then. It’s a requirement of the form but seems to possibly be an unregulated requirement. That’s why I inquired about possible connections. Wonder if the dots connect between all of those agencies. Guessing they don’t but that doesn’t stop the wonder.

For Arkansas it's sent immediately to the State Police who just verify they received it on the same day of purchase. I do remember years ago having to take the paperwork in to have signed.
As long as the suppressor is in stock it takes a day or two for the whole process to be certified. Maybe a week if the suppressor has to be shipped to the dealer. Once it's certified though everything is done except the ATF approval.
For Arkansas it's sent immediately to the State Police who just verify they received it on the same day of purchase. I do remember years ago having to take the paperwork in to have signed.
As long as the suppressor is in stock it takes a day or two for the whole process to be certified. Maybe a week if the suppressor has to be shipped to the dealer. Once it's certified though everything is done except the ATF approval.
We’re referencing the same thing but I drop mine off in person.
OK, here the dealer or silencershop just faxes or sends electronically at time of purchase. May have to do with how the LEO accepts it for each state.
Bigger dealers such as silencershop, capitol armoury, or silencer central do everything. I’ve never went through a small shop and they may do it differently. His wait time isn’t because of LEO notice. It’s an ATF issue.
Bigger question is how are you guys finding surpessors worth buying? I've looked at 3 brands, and all 3 are mid 2026 to early 2027 just to get a supressor. Wait times with the paperwork are the least of my worries.
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Bigger question is how are you guys finding surpessors worth buying? I've looked at 3 brands, and all 3 are mid 2026 to early 2027 just to get a supressor. Wait times with the ATF are the least of my worries.
Interesting, my shop had a good supply on hand of all of the models I was looking at. Regional thing perhaps?

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