Yeti GOBOX Collection

Newbie question here

Put your time in hunting our unlimited units. Do it while you're young and able. It may take you a few years to get it figured out, but you will find success and learn a lot about ram hunting.

I've said this many times, an old ram taken in an unlimited area is one of the most cherished trophies in the entire world...
I know how frustrating it has become to draw a tag. I'd first join the WSF, and the join the the >1 club. Go to the sheep show, and the odds of being drawn for a desert or stone's hunt are amazingly high, plus they have a great party at the drawing. These are super expensive hunts too. I shouldn't really tell everyone this, but Nevada's draw is NR exclusive and you can get a print out from them showing how many points each winner had for the draw. You would be surprised at the low numbers of points that come out on top. Often the draw odds can be much less than one in one hundred. It's way better than one in three or four thousand!!! Yes, you have to buy the license, but why not use it for chukers or quail on a Nevada style vacation. Hope this gives a little ray of sunshine. GJ
PEAX Trekking Poles

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