Caribou Gear

New Zealand Hunting experiences


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2014
New Zealand
Occasionally I get contacted by people asking about hunting in NZ and have taken people out hunting too. I’m happy to provide advice and I hope it helps anyone planning a DIY public land adventure. But I was wondering what the biggest surprise, or issue, when people visit NZ to hunt? It’s all very well giving advice but it would be interesting to know peoples thoughts once they actually hit the ground. Weather? Amount of waking? Lack of regulations?

When I have hunted US the biggest learning curve was predators, altitude and tags.
I love the accessibility of a variety of game.

For the most part Australia is poor in that regard, states like Victoria and to a lesser extent NSW are good but the rest are woeful. Unless you have access to private property or are willing to pay thousands to a guide most species are out of reach. For me that means no chance to hunt chital, rusa, buffalo, banteng and pigs.

In NZ whatever you have is available to all, just as it should be.
For me the biggest issues are dealing with a firearm and meat/trophy care. My wife and I are looking into a NZ trip in 2020 with a week of touristy stuff then a week of backpacking. The backpacking could easily become a week of backpack hunting, just trying to figure out the logistics as a DIY hunter.
Wllm1313, for the firearm I’d say you have two options. Bring your own and the NZ paperwork is fairly easy as far as I know, but the issue for some is confirming safe storage which is a requirement for all gun owners in NZ but of course easy if you live here. Secondly, you can borrow a rifle if you know someone. Also you could bring a bow and that would be super easy.

In NZ you aren’t required to look after the meat, or course people should as far as possisble but its not a legal requirement. Most DIY overseas hunters would try and give the meat away and drop off trophies to a taxidermist who will ship for you.
Wllm1313, A call to the police well beforehand necessary. I have met people that were given permission after promising to always keep Bolton person. They do not want overseas hunters leaving firearm in the trunk of rental cars. If you can beg someone for permission to use their address and FA # your good to go. I boil my skulls and salt my capes, then get paperwork from DOC when leaving.Very easy and never any issues. Trust me, when you pull out a stinky Bull tahr cape at customs they tell you to move along!
GlassEye you couldn't be more right on all accounts. I am headed back there in late March, any cripple yanks wanna join me.
Wllm1313, A call to the police well beforehand necessary. I have met people that were given permission after promising to always keep Bolton person. They do not want overseas hunters leaving firearm in the trunk of rental cars. If you can beg someone for permission to use their address and FA # your good to go. I boil my skulls and salt my capes, then get paperwork from DOC when leaving.Very easy and never any issues. Trust me, when you pull out a stinky Bull tahr cape at customs they tell you to move along!
GlassEye you couldn't be more right on all accounts. I am headed back there in late March, any cripple yanks wanna join me.
or you could just get fitter
or you could just get fitter
I know Cameron Hayes is a bit over the top on the 'get in shape/stay in shape' team, but you guys have a guy in NZ who is equally fit, Thane Young, he is often in the gym by 04.00 and then onto a days work, got to respect these guys.

On the fishing front, my friend's son (I taught him to fly fish as a kid) is 18 months into a 23 month working holiday in NZ, he has met some great people, been on some epic walks, and caught loads of fish, all the fish treated with respect, as is your country when he and his girlfriend get out into the backcountry.
He posts on Instagram on a regular basis, and the feedback has been great from all the Kiwi's, sadly bar one, a fishing guide who took exception to the success he was having 'unguided' (I taught him well😂) and made some pretty nasty accusations based on what he said was previous experiences of 'visitors' to NZ, what a tool!
There is always one!
But in fact there was 2, a hunter arrived at the cabin they booked, said in his opinion they shouldn't be enjoying the backcountry as they could get shot, the guy was from....the UK!

Sure, I'm your stereotypical yankee that likes pizza, and I know some kiwis scoff at us and would even desire to take pictures of us eating pizza to make fun of us. But I find most kiwis easy to be around. Sure, I could benefit from losing a few pounds but what hinders me the most is that when I was 13 years old I was riding a motorcycle and I hit a car and my left knee was the point of impact. My leg was fractured in multiple places including a compound fracture just below the knee. Fortunately it happened 2 blocks from a hospital because I had lost 1/2 my blood. My parents signed consent forms to amputate but another surgeon stepped in and fought to save my leg. So ever since I was 13, I have had to push through the pain of a swollen knee from a leg that is only 85% straight. Stretched ligaments stay stretched and don't snap back, this creates a lot of slop or play in my knee, causing me to be prone to hyper extending it. Now at 57 years old I really feel like this will be my last alpine hunt. No amount of "getting in shape" is going to reverse the damage done or the arthritis that now plagues my knee. I will never stop hunting but I will have to choose my battlefields.
Wow glass eye, scary stuff. Luckily we have choppers that drop us off in the middle of tahr country. The great thing about tahr hunting is they are out during the day so not too much of a rush to get close. Slow and steady is the way to go. I also like pizza, with beer :)
Yeah, I've also done tahr doing the "hard yards" but every time I tell myself that I'm too old for this stuff, but here I go again.
Man I would love to hunt and fish New Zealand...
Its laying here no great fuss does help to be fit .Ime knackered now but I was very active week or two long hunts or bush exploration I did some with search & Rescue teams .Hills got steeper but still support raising & writting amuseing acounts of events as a Volunteer .Suggest you Read Barry Crumps '. A good keen man' very dated but the bush hasnt change much , or Elmer Keths ',Stag party.' Regards Rudyard

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