Caribou Gear Tarp

New Year,new dog,new projects.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2015
18 this morning, bone dry.
Driest/hottest year in 120 of records last year.

Dotti has a bone by the fire, front door open. Hot in here now. LOL
Another load of wood and another due this week. 3 years worth now.

A visit from friends, a HT couple, last week and more goodies. The doggies romped.

New elk habitat project started. Riparian plants/trees. Wild fruit.
Water in NM is gold. I'll plant in March or April.
Lots of elk about. Deer. Antelope.

Have my tools in my shop and brainstorming.
Shelves,cabinets and who to bug about PLT on new laptop.

Bloodwork & video chat with Dr's next month.
Feel great.

Maybe some snow this week.
Life is good.
11 earlier. 33 now.
Had a dusting,but long gone.
Wood in.

Watching my childhood stomping grounds burn.
Took my 1st buck above Eaton Cyn.
The Van Halens lived on Kinaloa Mesa. Gone.
Folks lived in Sierra Madre and Pasadena. Fires burning in both towns on nearby streets.

We could sure use a real storm here, just not a firestorm.
My Aunt evacuated from Pacific Palisades. Her place is near Topanga State park. Hoping there was time to set backfires in that open space...
My older sisters 1st home in Altadena is gone now.
Leapfrogging thru town now.
I grew up remodling those old homes.
18, 1/2 an inch of snow. Calm morning.
Cold manana they say.

Watched my 1st vote get buried.

Half of Altadena is gone.
Lake Ave. Hardware where I got my 1st hammer & nail bag, gone.
Bro says the dome we built is threatened today. Topagna.

Warm inside.
Elk chile & dogs tonight.

I'm a lucky guy.
Another dusting of snow this morning. 11.
Windy and cold 34 by noon.
Dump run.

Lost the new used freezer yesterday. Dotti was licking at the base...uh oh.
Some quarter thawed stuff, I fit it all in the chest freezer.
Lost the 2 year old pork. Saved the elk, fish and best stuff.

I had 6 big bags of coffee in there. LOL
French roast. Of course.

Trip to albacrackie next week for a new upright. Plenty in stock.
Get the dead one out this weekend.

Ate a chunk of fresh thawed backstrap yesterday, pit fired. Oak & pinion wood.
Dotti & I finished it off with some WI lasagna tonight. Yummy.

Just realized I'll be 70 in

Apps for draw tags in for the year. Elk & deer.
Ranch was accepted in E-plus again.
Find out what I get in June.

Nice fire going.
Dotti snoring.

Life is good.
Single digits last week,dry.
16 this morning and the 3" of snow going fast. Soaking in.

Went yesterday for blood work. Left Dotti in her crate.
Results show all markers in the green.
PSA down to .03 now.
1st Testosterone counts. In middle...?

Monday is phone video chat with my Oncologist. Hopeful.

Dotti is getting big. Breaking bones easier.
So fast & crazy.
Crazy girl.

Over smoked bacon in beans with molasas. Corn bread.

Life is good.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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